Lavasoft Stands For Diversity
A message from our CEO, Daniel Assouline
At Lavasoft, it was important to me to create an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and hard work. These are landmarks, I believe, to a truly successful business. Being based in Canada, we often take for granted the diversity in office spaces but I also wanted to explicitly make sure that inclusiveness was something we focused on when hiring. It is often in differences – cultural, religious, or otherwise – that we see unprecedented teamwork and out-of-the-box thinking happen. The proof is “in the pudding”, as is often said.
At Lavasoft, most of us are immigrants or the children of immigrants. We have employees from more than 20 countries . The open and positive attitude we embrace in our daily work life not only makes for a warm and welcoming environment, but they propel us forward to be at the forefront of the issues that matter to us as we strive to make the best products.
When faced with challenging times, it is always easier to stay silent, to not rock the boat. But as leaders, it is essential to speak out for those who have no voice, who feel unheard, oppressed, and rejected. The technology industry is booming with innovation. Not only does a discriminatory ban on immigration hurt the industry and economy overall, it more importantly sends us backward in time and undoes the great strides we have made as a human race towards acceptance and togetherness.
We may not be directly affected by the laws governing this ban but we want to make it very clear: at Lavasoft, we will never support this ban and regardless of where you’re from, what you believe in, what color your skin is or who you love, you are always welcome in our home.