Handling Your Licenses Now Even Easier
We, the Web Dev here at Lavasoft, have been quite busy improving every nook and cranny of our site.
Our latest update makes it easier for you to handle your purchased licenses. You know - downloading the software, upgrading old SE licenses to the new Ad-Aware 2007 and renewing your licenses that has expired.
Everything that you would want to do with your licenses is now handled through Your Licenses, which is the page where you end up after you have logged in to the Support Center. At the bottom of each license, you now see all the options available to you displayed as little links with icons next to them.
So if you are missing the old pages for License Renewal, Product Upgrade or Product Downloads - look no further than the Your Licenses-page. We hope this update will make your life just a little bit easier because, let's face it, nobody want to spend too much time tending to their licenses.