We, the Web Dev here at Lavasoft, have been quite busy improving every nook and cranny of our site.
Our latest update makes it easier for you to handle your purchased licenses. You know - downloading the software, upgrading old SE licenses to the new Ad-Aware 2007 and renewing your licenses that has expired.
As you might have noticed, Ad-Aware 2007 Beta Seven is the final beta, which means that we are gearing up for the big release in June. Besides the obvious work of putting the finishing touches on the software itself, it also includes getting the packaging ready, designing the product manuals, and generating the serial numbers for each and every product.
If you haven't noticed, we now have RSS feeds up and running for both our blogs. Besides adding them to the feed reader of your choice, we have also provided links that instantaneously add them to your personalized homepage at MyYahoo, Google or MyMSN.
A quick tip: Research always posts to the News from Research blog when they release a new definition file, so if you subscribed to the feed you would get notified.
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