0149.0124 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware.

New rogue: GreatDefender

by LS Anders on December 30th, 2009 in Rogues, Security Alert.

The WiniGuard creators have produced yet another clone of their rogue antispyware software. This one is called GreatDefender.

0149.0123 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware.

0149.0122 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware.

New Rogue: APCprotect

by LS Anders on December 28th, 2009 in Rogues, Security Alert.

APCprotect is a new rogue anti-spyware application and it is the latest clone of the Winiguard family.

New Rogue: SysDefence

by LS Anders on December 18th, 2009 in Rogues, Security Alert.

SysDefence is the latest clone of the WiniGuard rogues.

New Rogue: TheDefend

by LS Anders on December 17th, 2009 in Rogues.

TheDefend is yet another clone of the WiniGuard family.

InternetSecurity2010 is a new rogue anti-malware application. It is a clone of AdvancedVirusRemover.

SafetyAntispyware is a new rogue anti-spyware application. However, the functionality follows the same pattern as other rogues.

New Rogue: AntiTroy

by LS Anders on December 8th, 2009 in Rogues, Security Alert.

The creators of the WiniGuard series have not been active for a few days, but today another one of their clones emerged, AntiTroy.

New Rogue: AntiAdd

by LS Anders on December 1st, 2009 in Rogues, Security Alert.

The creators of WiniGuard have released yet another clone of their rogue software. This one's called AntiAdd.

PersonalSecurity is a new rogue. It is a descendant clone of XPAntiVirus.


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