Vendor Inquiries
Lavasoft is committed to providing accurate information about threats to consumer's privacy and security. The Vendor Inquiries system provides vendors with a simple way to report inaccurate, outdated, or false positive detection information in our Detection Database.
How to Submit a Vendor Ticket
To ensure efficiency in our review process, be sure to provide a detailed and accurate report when submitting a ticket. All fields on the form are required in order to submit the ticket. Tickets that are missing information will be delayed pending submission of additional information required to complete the analysis.
The vendor of the application or component in question must submit the request. Form letters, general inquiries, and third party inquiries will not be processed through this system.
Please read the following FAQ for additional information before submitting a ticket.
Please note: customer support questions cannot be answered or forwarded through this form.
Please visit the Lavasoft Support Center for support questions.