AdvancedDefender is a new rogue antispyware application. It is a clone of PersonalGuard2009.

PaladinAntivirus is a new rogue anti-spyware application. It is a clone of ProtectionSystem.

New Rogue: SafePcAV

by LS Anders on February 8th, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

The creators behind the rogue antispyware appliaction WiniGuard have released yet another clone of their software. This one is called SafePcAV.

New Self-Cloning Rogue

by LS Anders on February 5th, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

A new rogue that will randomly change names and include a reference to the current operating system has emerged.

The rogue will change to different names depending on the user's OS. On Windows XP we have encountered the following:

New Rogue: MyPcSecure

by LS Anders on February 1st, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

MyPcSecure is the latest rogue anti-spyware application and a clone from the WiniGuard family.

New Rogue: PcSecureNet

by LS Anders on January 28th, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

PcSecureNet is another rogue anti-spyware clone of the WiniGuard family.

LiveEnterpriseSuite is a clone of InternetAntivirusPRO. Actually, the only thing that the authors of this rogue have changed is the name in the GUI.

New Rogue: PcsSecure

by LS Anders on January 25th, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

PcsSecure is the latest cloned rogue antispyware from the WiniGuard family.

New Rogue: APcSafe

by LS Anders on January 25th, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

APcSafe is another rogue anti-spyware clone of the WiniGuard family.

0149.0138 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware.

ProtectSoldier is a rogue anti-spyware application of the new generation of WiniGuard clones.

New Rogue: APcSecure

by LS Anders on January 22nd, 2010 in Rogues, Security Alert.

APcSecure is a new rogue from the WiniGuard clone factory.


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