0146.0014 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition.

0146.0013 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition.

Removed false detections.

0146.0012 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition.

2 New rogue Anti-Virus software

by LS Anders on February 16th, 2009 in Rogues.

Some new rogue anti-virus programs to be aware of...First out is XPVirusProtection with a standard looking website.


New rogue, Antispyware3000

by LS Anders on February 5th, 2009 in Rogues.

Antispyware3000 is a typical rogue. It shows a lot of false positives for files that do not even exists on the drive.  However for some reason their full scan does not show these hits.

Antispyware3000 GUI

0146.0002 is now available for Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition.

This definition file is also valid for Ad-Aware 2008 and Ad-Aware 2007.

0146.0001 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition.

This definition file is also valid for Ad-Aware 2008 and Ad-Aware 2007.

0143.0009 is now availiable, new definition file for Ad-Aware 2008.

New Rogue: Antivirus Plus

by LS Anders on December 11th, 2008 in Rogues, Security Alert.

Recently we came across this rogue, Antivirus Plus. What makes this one different from others was that it was distributed directly as a fake video codec. They have now removed the fake alert step in between.

fake codec install

0143.0003 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware 2008.

0143.0002 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware 2008.

0137.0000 is now available, new definition file for Ad-Aware 2008.


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