SecurityCentral is a new painful rogue application. It will prevent execution of several Windows and security applications and disable Task Manager, DOS Prompt and Regedit to avoid users from killing the process manually. The cyber criminals running out of uniqe names. This rogue have "stolen" the name from another fraudtool which was released in August 2009.
MalwareDefense is the third new rogue application which Lavasoft Malware Labs have been investigating today and it's a clone of ProtectionSystem.
A new cloned application from the WiniGuard family of rogues has now been released. This one is called SiteAdware.
InternetSecurity2010 is a new rogue anti-malware application. It is a clone of AdvancedVirusRemover.
SafetyAntispyware is a new rogue anti-spyware application. However, the functionality follows the same pattern as other rogues.