As you may have seen, Lavasoft recently announced the launch of a new reference tool to combat rogues - The Rogue Gallery - giving users like you a way to easily identify what security programs are rogue, or fake.
Rogue security software, often referred to as scareware, is one of the biggest challenges that computer users are faced with right now. Taking the form of legitimate-looking anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-malware products, these rogue applications look to be beneficial from a security perspective but provide little or no security, generate misleading alerts, or attempt to lure users into participating in fraudulent transactions - blurring the lines between genuine software and applications that put you in harm’s way.
In order to help you clearly see what programs are considered rogue – and avoid them – Lavasoft Malware Labs is proud to introduce a brand new site: the Rogue Gallery.
REAnti is yet another clone of WiniGuard. This one comes with the same GUI (graphic user interface) as previous ones like KeppCop, SecureKeeper, SiteVillain and AntiAID.
Two new rogue applications from the Winiguard family have been released. The people behind these fraud tools constantly change the names of their applications and move them to new servers.
BlockDefense is the latest rogue from the gang that previously provided us with other security software imposters like SaveSoldier and SaveKeep.
Lavasoft Malware Labs has spotted a new rogue application called Green AV. It will give exaggerated threat reports on the compromised computer, then ask the user to purchase a registered version to remove threats which don’t exist.