DirectRevenue Settles Charges

The adware distributor DirectRevenue LLC, which you may remember from a New York, U.S. adware case, has settled U.S. Federal Trade Commission charges that it used unfair and deceptive means to downloa...
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DirectRevenue Settles Charges

The adware distributor DirectRevenue LLC, which you may remember from a New York, U.S. adware case, has settled U.S. Federal Trade Commission charges that it used unfair and deceptive means to download adware onto consumers' PCs and obstructed them from removing it, the FTC says.

Along with giving up $1.5 million in ill-gotten gains, the settlement:

- Bars future downloads of DirectRevenues adware without consumers' consent.
- Requires that DirectRevenue clearly identify all of its ads, and establish user-friendly methods for consumers to register complaints, as well as locate and uninstall the adware.
- Bars DirectRevenue from exploiting security vulnerabilities to download any software program or applications.
- Requires that Direct Revenue provide clear and prominent disclosures and obtain consumers' express consent before downloading software onto their computers.
- Requires that DirectRevenue monitor its affiliates to ensure they and their sub-affiliates comply with the FTC order.

For the full details, read the FTC press release on the settlement.

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DirectRevenue and Media6

User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago.stanford54
Joined: 2010-01-25
Posts: 0

Beware the New York company Media6. The same DirectRevenue scumbags have dug in there.

I have just contributed to the MyLavasoft community.


User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago.truth.ruth
Joined: 2010-02-24
Posts: 0

Wow, it's true.

Rod Hook, the CTO of Media6degrees was one of Direct Revenue's founding partners.

Andrew Pancer, COO of Media6degrees, was CFO of Direct Revenue.

Tom Philips, the President and CEO of Media6degrees was a venture partner at Insight Venture Partners, the venture capital firm that funded Direct Revenue.

And now, the stated business model of Media6Degrees is to collect data on everyone participating in social networks in order to deliver more targeted advertising.

Google searches pairing these names with these companies provides lots of verification.

I have just contributed to the MyLavasoft community.


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