In honor of Halloween season and all things scary, we’ve compiled a roundup of ‘spooky’ online trends and news from around the world this past month…
Lavasoft News has compiled a list of "security shorts" - summaries of other online security stories making news around the world this past month.
Facebook has launched a new email address, This email is dedicated for its users to report any activities that are linked to phisihing. This includes any receiving phishing emails that seek to trick members into revealing their personal account information.
This is another step for the social network giant is taking to stop phishing lurking in their system. The email address accepts reports of any such phishing attempts, saying they will “investigate and request for browser blacklisting and site takedowns where appropriate.”
Skype has confirmed that its VoIP software contains a bug which could result in instant messages (IMs) being sent to unintended recipients. The privacy bug was first reported in the Skype Support Network by a user who, after an update to their Skype client last month, encountered the problem in which some of their messages went to another contact. Following this report, a number of other users also confirmed having experienced the problem.
The hacker team D33Ds Co has published a text file that contains 453 491 emails with user passwords for a wide Internet audience. Among them there are more than 138 thousands of Yahoo accounts.
Associated Press has reported that despite repeated alerts, tens of thousands of Americans may still lose their Internet service Monday unless they do a quick check of their computers for malware that could have taken over their machines more than a year ago.
As the start of the Summer Olympics in London nears, consumers need to be on the lookout for malware creators and scammers trying to make a quick buck off of the festivities, reports Naked Security.
According to the largest study of password security ever conducted, people over the age of 55 pick passwords double the strength of those chosen by people under 25 years old. It also found that most of us choose passwords that are less secure than security experts recommend.
A few years ago, social media was literally unheard of. Fast forward today, it is something that is engrained in our lives. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram (and list goes on…) become household names overnight with other social networking sites sprucing up trying to catch up or rather ‘imitate’ the giants’ formula.
On 28th May 2012, Iran National CERT published a report describing a new and complex threat dubbed “Flame” that was thought to be responsible for incidents of “mass data loss in Iran”. The report linked this newly discovered threat with the notorious Stuxnet and Duqu attacks.
Shortly after, the Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security at Budapest University of Technology and Economics published a report describing an apparently identical threat that may have been active “for as long as five to eight years”.
Lavasoft Taps Alexander Adamov to Lead Research and Technology Development for Expanded Malware Labs
Lavasoft, the original anti-malware company, today announced that Alexander Adamov will lead its new, expanded malware labs. Adamov joins Lavasoft from the Design and Test Lab, a research lab that provides malware analysis services for Kaspersky Labs.
Developing malware from scratch is a highly complex task that requires considerable skill and effort. In recent years, crimeware toolkits have taken the heavy lifting out of creating malware. Toolkits, such as MPack, Neospoit and Zeus, can be found for sale on underground hacking forums, lowering the skills barrier for would-be criminals. For a fee and with little effort, hackers can generate their own malware that can be used for stealing credit card details, passwords and other sensitive information.