Web - update 'connection error'

If you're experiencing a 'connection error' when clicking web-update please try updating from the start menu or use one of the workarounds below.

*Go to, C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware and right click on
AAWService.exe, select properties in popup menu and in the
Compatibility tab. Change the Compatibility mode to "Run this program
in compatibility mode for: Windows XP" , click ‘apply’ then ‘ok’. Do
the same for Ad-AwareAdmin.exe and then retry the web-update.

*Go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services and locate "Lavasoft
Ad-Aware Service". Stop the Service (if started) and then right
click/properties. Under Logon, check "Allow service to interact with desktop", click OK and restart the service and then retry the web-update.


How do I activate Ad-Aware Plus/Pro by registering with my serial number?

Make sure that you have configured your firewall or any other security programs to allow Ad-Aware network access. If necessary, you can temporarily turn off your firewall, but be sure to turn it on again after you have completed the registration procedure.


1. Open the registration window by clicking the ?Register? button (It may also say ?Renew? or ?Upgrade?) that is placed near the bottom-right corner of the screen, under 'License Status'.
2. Enter your Serial Number.
3. Click 'OK'. Ad-Aware will connect to the Internet to validate your registration. If this does not work the first time, please try again.
4. "Thank you for registering Ad-Aware" will appear once successful, Click ?OK?.
5. Restart Ad-Aware to activate the Plus or Pro versions of Ad-Aware.

You will find your license status in the Main status menu of Ad-Aware, including License type and remaining days.

Why is the Definition File not updated?

After the Definition File has been pulled or pushed to clients, it will not be deployed until a scanning operation has been invoked by the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server service. The updated Definition File will not be activated even if Ad-Aware 2008 Professional starts a new scan. The only way to activate the new Definitions File is to run a scan that is invoked by the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server service.

We recommend that you arrange a scan to occur soon after (10 minutes, for example) a scheduled updating task finishes. Once both tasks are complete, the Definition File on client computers will be updated.

How do I remove detected objects after a scan?

After a scan is finished you get the 'Scan Results' screen, where detected objects are separated into critical objects and privacy objects. The total number of critical objects and privacy objects detected during the scan are listed at the top of each tab.

In the 'Critical Objects' tab you can either select each object individually by checking the box beside it, or use the selection options in the context menu.

For each selected critical object, you can choose to:

* Add to Ignore: Add the object to the Ignore List; keep the item on your system and make sure it is not detected in future scans.
* Quarantine: Add the object to the Quarantine; isolate and back-up the object in quarantine, where it does not pose a threat to your system.
* Remove: Delete the object from your system.

Privacy objects: Go to the 'Privacy Objects' tab.

You can either select each object individually by checking the box beside it, or use the selection options in the context menu. For each detected privacy object, you can choose to:

* Add to Ignore: Add the object to the Ignore List; keep the item on your system and make sure it is not detected in future scans.
* Remove: Delete the object from your system.

Finally, click 'Finish' to get to the 'Scan summary' screen.

My Serial Number/Registration Key/Activation Code is lost, how do I retrieve it?

If your serial number/registration key/activation code has been lost, there is a quick and easy way to get it back.

1. Log in to the Support center: http://www.lavasoft.com/support/supportcenter/

2. In the left menu, under 'Support Center', select 'Your Licenses'.

3. Here you will find your license info. Below your license you can find a letter icon: 'E-mail Serial Number' and clicking it will automatically send an email with the serial number to your registered email address.


Note: the 'E-mail Serial Number' notification email may be filtered as spam. Please, check your spambox/ junkmail

How can I pass the proxy server to get the Definition File?

The Ad-Aware Enterprise Server uses the IE proxy setting to access the Definition File from the Internet. To determine if your Ad-Aware Enterprise Server can download the Definition File:
* Click the "Check Ad-Aware Definition File" button. If clicking the button results in a success message, the connection is working. If you get a failure message, do the following:
o Click "Start Menu" to open "Control Panel," "Internet Options," "Connections" and then "LAN Settings." This will display more settings for the TCP port that you can modify to pass your proxy server.
* If you have modified the settings and still cannot successfully connect to the Lavasoft publishing server (and have no problems using IE) please give the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server service a service account to bypass the Proxy Server.

How can I change my registered email address and other personal info in the Support Center?

You can update your personal profile by logging in to the Support Center:
1. When logged in, click 'Personal Info' under 'Support Center' in the menu to the left.
2. Click any of the 'Edit' links to the right of your personal credentials.
3. Change the credentials of your choice and click 'Submit'.
Your personal profile will now be updated.
Note: if you change your email address you will have to use that to log in when returning to the Support Center in the future.
Changing password:
1. When logged in, click 'Change Password' under 'Support Center' in the menu to the left.
2. Enter your old password, and then type your new password twice, once in each field provided.
3. Click 'Submit'.

I get an error message "SSL download failed". How do I resolve this issue?

The Error message "SSL download failed" is caused by Ad-Aware not getting access to the Internet.

First of all, make sure that your system is connected to the Internet.

If you are using a proxy server, make sure to configure the Ad-Aware WebUpdate settings.

1. Open Ad-Aware and navigate to the WebUpdate->Proxy settings menu.
2. Enable the ?Use proxy? option and enter the URL to your proxy server.
3. Save the new settings and try a webupdate again.

If you still have problems, try this:

1. Turn off all security software like Firewalls (check your router firewall as well) and any Antivirus programs.
2. Restart Ad-Aware and try to do a webupdate if you haven't activated the automatic update.

If you do not get an error message and successfully manages to update, you need to configure your security software to grant Ad-Aware network access, before turning them on again.

I have not received an email or reply from Lavasoft?

Our notification emails may get filtered as spam. Make sure to check your mail-client's spam-box or spam-filter for our mails.

We send out notification mails from noreply@lavasoft.com, make sure that this address is allowed.
If you have a t-online.de mail account, consider changing to a webmail account, as all our mails is blocked by t-online or Internet Service Providers (ISP) that is owned by Deutsche Telekom.
You are able to change your registered mail address by logging in to the support center, and editing your details.

Can clients update the Definition File without a server?

Ad-Aware Enterprise clients can perform scans and Definition File updates, even without an Ad-Aware Enterprise network.

To do this:

* Open Ad-Aware 2008 Professional from your local disk by double-clicking "Ad-Aware.exe" in the client installation directory.

The software can be used just like a stand-alone Ad-Aware 2008 Professional package. The functions are the same as Ad-Aware Enterprise, including modifiable scanning settings and Definition File updates. To make these easier to access, you can also make shortcuts to the Windows desktop.

How do I resolve the "Error 1810, 1812 or 1920" problems?

These problems are related to not being able to start the Ad-Aware service (aawservice.exe). This usually occurs during the final part of installation or startup of the program. To resolve the problem follow the instructions below:

A) Make sure you have Admin Rights

In order to install Ad-Aware you will need to be logged in to Windows as an Administrator or have sufficient rights on your Windows user account.

Some user accounts may not have sufficient privileges. If you are unsure, contact your system Administrator or the person who has installed Windows on your computer.

B) Try to restart the Ad-Aware Service manually

1. Close Ad-Aware
2. Go to Windows Start menu, choose 'Run...', type in 'Services.msc' and in the service window, stop Ad-Aware 2007 Service.
3. Open Ad-Aware to restart the service.

C) Use the latest installer

If neither of the above works, the Ad-Aware Service has probably been removed or blocked by 3rd party software. These programs need to be configured to trust any Ad-Aware processes or files.

1. First of all, turn off any Internet Security program temporarily, but be sure to turn them on again after you have completed the reinstallation procedure.
2. Uninstall Ad-Aware by using the ?Add or Remove Programs? facility in the ?Control Panel?.
3. Download the latest version of Ad-Aware from the Support Center or https://secure.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php
4. Install Ad-Aware.

I have purchased my box copy of Ad-Aware from a store. How do I register for free online support?

Use the customer registration form to register for free online support through the Lavasoft Support Center.

How do I get Ad-Watch to work?

First of all, download or update to the latest version of Ad-Aware.

The most common cause for problems starting Ad-Watch is that Ad-Aware has not been registered yet or that the software has not been restarted since the activation. Please be sure to register your software with your serial number in order to activate the advanced features in Ad-Aware Plus and Pro.

You can start Ad-Watch by opening the Ad-Watch menu in Ad-Aware and click ?Start?, or by double-clicking the Ad-Watch icon on your desktop.

Why can't I log in to the order page with my Support Center log-in?

The order page and the Support Center have different log-ins. When you have purchased a product you will receive an e-mail containing your new log-in for the order page. If you do not remember your log-in you can click on the link on the order page to receive an e-mail reminder.

My password for the Support Center doesn't work. How can I retrieve it?

If you are experiencing problems with logging in at the Support Center, please follow these instructions.
1. Retrieve a new password by entering your registered email address used at time of purchase in the text field on this page: http://www.lavasoft.com/support/supportcenter/request_password.php
2. Click 'Submit'.
3. An email containing your new login credentials will be sent to the email address used.
Note: the 'password reminder' notification email may be filtered as spam. Please, check your spambox.

How do I resolve the "Error 1722" problem?

This problem relates to the MSI installer from Microsoft; it is associated with either an outdated or corrupt Windows Installer or with permission for Windows Script Hosting (WSH).

First of all, download the latest version of Ad-Aware from the Support Center or https://secure.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php and try to reinstall. If you still get the 1722 error, update your MSI installer.


Update your installer by running your Windows Vista CD and repair your Operative System installation.

For WINDOWS XP/2000 users:

Updating Windows Installer

1. Please use the link below to visit Microsoft's support website, which will help you resolve the issue. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=889482FC-5F56-4...
2. Restart your computer once you have updated this installer.
3. Reinstall Ad-Aware.

Updating Windows Script Hosting
# ol> Please use the links below to visit Microsoft's support website, which will help you resolve the issue. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c717d943-7e4b-4...
# Please restart your computer once you have updated this installer.
# Reinstall Ad-Aware.

Configuring WSH Permissions

Warning: Do not try to edit registry keys if you are unfamiliar with the Windows Registry. Attempt this only at your own risk; Lavasoft does not take responsibility.

1. In the Windows Start menu, open run and type 'regedit' in the command line. Click 'Ok'.
2. Check for either or both of the following registry keys:
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Enabled
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Enabled
3. If either of those has a DWORD value of '0', then scripting is disabled. Changing the values to '1' should enable scripting.

Why does Ad-Aware run as a service?

THE AD-AWARE ARCHITECTURE Ad-Aware consists of two main parts, the Service and the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

The GUI is the part of the program a user sees and needs in order to interact with the program itself; it contains menus, buttons and other controls that are necessary for a user to run the program. User action is passed from the GUI down to the Service, which contains the core functionality of the program.

The Service executes the action, and then reports the results back to the GUI, where it is presented to the user. What Is a Service? Services are Windows applications that are launched at system startup and then run in the background, not visible to the user.

What is the Benefit of a Service-Based Approach to Malware Removal? Malware that emerges today is increasingly complex, displaying wildly varying behavior and operating on many levels in the system. In order to stay a step ahead of these ever-changing security threats, an anti-spyware tool needs to be more powerful, multi-faceted and flexible than ever before.

The implementation of Ad-Aware as a Service facilitates this needed power and flexibility since a service runs with elevated rights on the system. This means that the user can work in user-mode while the Service maintains the elevated rights it needs in order to properly detect and remove malware infections.

How Does This Affect Resource Use? During a scan, the CPU use of the Service will vary parts of the scan are labor-intensive and require a lot of processing power, which can make the computer's performance sluggish. Other parts require less computing power and have little impact on the overall performance of the system. When the service is idle, virtually no CPU power is required, making the impact on system performance negligible.

As for memory use, the service does require a bit of memory, most of which is needed for storing the threats in the Detection Database. It is important to note, however, that when the Service is not in use, the lion's share of this memory is paged to the Swap file. In non-technical terms, this means that the hard drive is used to store data that is not currently in use, and then retrieves the data when needed, which makes the actual working memory (RAM) available for other applications.

Do you offer special discounts for academic and non-profit institutions?

We currently offer a 45% discount for academic, non-profit and government organizations. To be considered for this discount please contact our Worldwide Sales Department via your organizations official email address.

How do I enter my proxy server settings.

If you are online behind a proxy server, you will need to have your proxy server settings correctly configured to update Ad-Aware.

Go to Settings -> Updates and click proxy settings.

Tick the box beside "Enable Proxy"

Enter your proxy server address (in the format, proxyaddress:portnumber ), your username and password and click 'Ok'

What payment options are available when purchasing Ad-Aware?

Please follow the link to Cleverbridge to get more information

Can I activate Ad-Aware on more than one computer?

Yes, but only if you have a multi-seat license or separate licenses and serial numbers for each computer.

A license is valid for one computer only (unless you have chosen to purchase a multi-seat license). If you would like to migrate your license from one computer to another, please contact our Support Team.

If you follow the link below you will be able to buy a "Multipack" containing 3 or 5 licenses:



I lost my Ad-Aware. How do I get it back without paying for it again?

There are different ways to access a new installation file of Ad-Aware, depending on how you purchased your software.

Purchased online
Please contact general support at Lavasoft.com providing your full name and email presented at the time of purchase

Physical box purchase
Please refer back to your installation CD and input your enclosed license key.

Ad-Aware Free is available from Lavasoft's website.

What is the difference between the Reseller program and the Premium Partner program?

Lavasoft?s Premium Partners are highly committed, established resellers who either have a proven track record in selling anti-spyware solutions, or intend to focus on the industry. As a Lavasoft Premium Partner, you need to have a minimum of one certified technical engineer and one certified sales representative. Premium Partners are required to provide customers with first-line sales and technical support of Lavasoft products. In addition to the benefits enjoyed by Certified Partners, they have access to sales leads, marketing material support and recognition as a Premium Partner on our website.

You can browse the Partner Matrix to assess the requirement and benefits of being a Lavasoft Certified Partner or Premium Partner.

What is my reseller discount?

All activated reseller accounts are given a standard 25% discount rate. This can increase over time with exceptional sales performance and consistency.

You can also log into the Partner Center, and visit the Place an Order section of the Partner E-Store. After you select a product, enter the appropriate seating number, and click "Buy Now," your discount pricing will automatically be calculated.

If you have an existing account, but can not remember your current discount rate, please contact our distributor, element 5, to retrieve your specific account information.

Do the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server and Ad-Aware Enterprise Console have to be installed on the same computer?

If you install the Console and the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server service on separate computers, the Console will lose the ability to start or stop the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server. This is a limit in the Windows Service management mechanism, since Windows Services cannot be operated remotely. All other Management Console functions will remain unaffected.

How can my customers update their copies of Ad-Aware 2007?

There are different ways to access a new installation file of Ad-Aware 2007, depending on how you purchased your software.

For retail shop and online retail customers:

* If you registered your copy of Ad-Aware 2007, you can update your old version of Ad-Aware 2007 by logging in to the Support Center (or to the Partner Center, if you are a Lavasoft Partner.) Under "Resources," click on "Product Downloads." Click the link for your product, and follow the directions on the screen. (If you have not registered your Ad-Aware 2007 Plus or Professional, see your installation CD where the registration is printed.)

For element 5 customers:

* To upgrade your old version of Ad-Aware 2007 to the current version, login to the Support Center (or Partner Center, if you are a Lavasoft Partner).You will find download information (on products you have a valid license for) in "Product Downloads" under "Resources." By clicking on "License Info," you can see if you need to renew your license to download the program. Information on "License Renewals" can also be found in the Support Center or Partner Center.

How do I close an open port?

Before closing a port, ensure that it is actually open.

You should also determine whether the port is used by an application or the system in order to select the appropriate way to close it. This information is displayed on the Open Ports (Used Ports) page.

If you see that an application is using the port and you want to block the connection of the application through this port, you need to create a rule for this particular application.

If the port is opened by the system or you cannot identify which application opened it, it is possible to close the port globally. However, you should remember that closing a port globally may lead to negative consequences, as far as legitimate network activity might be blocked as well.
To close an open port for a specific application:

* Make sure Personal Firewall is not running in Disabled or Allow Most mode.
* Open Personal Firewall's main window and click Used Ports in the left panel.
* Look down the Local port column of the information panel and search for the port number you want to close, for example "XYZ".
* Right-click the process using that port in the Process Name:Process ID column. Select Create Rule for Application to create a rule for the application that opens this port. Personal Firewall fills in all the required data automatically; you only need to specify the action to be performed when the rule is triggered.
* In the Rule transcript field, click the keyword of the rule action and select Block. You can optionally select Report this activity in the Specify rule options field.
* Name the rule, so that you can remember it later (in the Rule name field) and click OK to save the rule. You should now see the new rule in the list of the application rules (Settings ? Network Rules, double-click the application in the list). Important: If there are other rules for the same application, select the rule you have created and click the Move up button until the rule appears at the top of the list. Click OK and then Apply.
* Verify that the port scanner can now detect the port.

To close an open port for the whole system:

* Make sure Personal Firewall is not running in Disabled or Allow Most mode.
* Click Settings ? Network Rules ? System-Wide Rules ? Low-Level Rules.
* Click Add to create a new rule.
* In the Rule transcript field click the IP keyword in the Where the protocol is line and specify the TCP protocol.
* In the Select the event the rule will handle field select the Where direction is and Where local port is events.
* In the Rule transcript field click the Undefined keyword next to and direction is and specify the Inbound connection direction.
* In the Rule transcript field click the Undefined keyword next to and local port is and specify the port number.
* In the Rule transcript field click the keyword of the rule action and select Block.
* In the Specify rule options field select Mark rule as High Priority. You can optionally select Report this activity as well.
* Name the rule, so you can recognize it later, (in the Rule name field) and click OK to save the rule.
* You should now see the new rule in the list of low-level rules.
* Verify that the port scanner can now detect the port.

Note: A port should not always be blocked. For example, if you are operating a web/FTP server for public usage, the ports used by the server need to be open, so your server can be accessed and a port scanner will (and should) detect these ports as open. If these ports are closed, your users will not be able to "see" your web/FTP server. Also, be aware that some ports can be blocked by your Internet provider (for example, 139, 137, 135, 80) which may cause incorrect results of an online scan of those ports.

Can I sell your products without registering as a reseller?

If you want to sell our products you must register as a reseller. Upon successful registration you will receive a discount of 25% on purchases.

When does my license for Ad-Aware expire?

This will depend on the type of license you purchased. Licenses for Ad-Aware can be purchased for 1, 2 or 3 years. Your license will expire 1, 2 or 3 years after it has been activated (depending on the length of license you purchase). To view license expiry date please open the Ad-Aware program on your computer and click "Manage License".
In order to continue using the program you must renew the software when your current license period expires or is due to expire. Renewals of Ad-Aware can be made at a discounted rate.

Where may I purchase boxed versions of Lavasoft products?

The boxed versions of Lavasoft products are only available in the USA. For a list of retailers in you area, please contact our World Wide Sales Department.

Can I install my copy of Ad-Aware on more than one computer?

Each computer requires its own personal license of Ad-Aware. If you purchase one license/copy of Ad-Aware then it can only be installed on one computer. However we now offer multi-packs here.

Why am I having difficulties opening a Lavasoft Secure E-mail with Internet Explorer 7?

Microsoft has included new security features in Internet Explorer 7 that makes it difficult to run active content like to Java Applet used to decrypt Lavasoft Secure E-mails. This can be solved by modifying the security settings of Internet Explorer 7. Contact your local administrator to change the appropriate settings. You can also use an alternative browser like Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 6 or older to open the secure e-mail.

How do I register using the license key?

Open the e-mail message that contains the license key and select all the text between "Registration key begins" and "Registration key ends" using your mouse (click before the first character in the first line of the key and while holding down the left mouse button move the mouse to the last character in the last string of the key, release the mouse button when you have highlighted the entire key as shown in the picture below).

# Right-click anywhere inside the highlighted text and select Copy from the shortcut menu to copy the license key to the Clipboard (a generally invisible area used for Copy and Paste actions).
# Select Start ? Programs ? Lavasoft ? Lavasoft Personal Firewall and click Enter Registration Key. In the Enter Key window, click the Paste button and your registration key (which you copied to the Clipboard in step 2) will be inserted into the blank box from the Clipboard.
# Click OK to save the key and close the dialog to complete the registration process

What is the difference between pulling and pushing?

Pulling and pushing are two methods available for clients to get the Definition File from the Server. If you are using Ad-Aware Enterprise on a large network (more than 20 clients in the same domain) pulling offers a better performance. When the number of nodes in the network is less than 20, the two methods deliver similar performances. Pushing is more suitable for the "Force Updating" option found in the "Scheduled Updating" option panel.

How do I install Lavasoft Personal Firewall 3.0?

You can log in to download a new copy of Lavasoft Personal Firewall here.

When logged in, select your product from "Your licenses" ? "Download software".

Double-click the file once downloaded and follow the on-screen instructions in the Installation Wizard to install

Click 'Finish' to complete the installation and to launch Lavasoft Personal Firewall

Why is the Ad-Watch 'Connect' feature unavailable (greyed out) in Ad-Aware Plus?

The connect feature is only available to Ad-Aware Pro customers. Please see this link:


What is the difference between the Update and the Upgrade button?

When you want to update your definition files and your current Ad-Aware version you use the ?Update? button. If you have already activated Ad-Aware Plus or Pro you use the ?Upgrade? button to register additional licenses. Like Renewals or ?Upgrades from Plus to Pro?. If you register a second license of the same type, the second license?s license time will be appended to the first one.

Why aren't my encrypted files received correctly when I send them?

It is likely that the receiver is using some sort of e-mail filtering software which removes the encrypted files attached in the e-mail. This software can be either installed locally or on the e-mail server. One reason can be that the filtering software does not recognize the file format since it is encrypted and therefore removes the file. Try to use different encryption formats the circumvent this problem. You can also try to send the encrypted file inside a compressed folder (.zip).

How does the registry get corrupted?

When programs are installed and uninstalled, or settings are saved in the registry, the entries are not removed automatically - resulting in an increased registry size. The outdated entries that are no longer valid result in a corrupted registry.

What is the registry?

The Windows registry is the central database of Windows and stores information about every program installed on the system. For more information about the registry, see the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Registry

What does Lavasoft Registry Tuner do?

The Lavasoft Registry Tuner has categorized certain areas in the registry and scans these areas for invalid entries. When the scan is complete, it identifies the invalid entries that can be removed selectively and safely. The program creates a backup of the registry before removing any invalid entries, adding an extra level of safety when working with the registry.

Can I update to the latest version of Lavasoft Personal Firewall for free?

As long as you hold a valid license, you can log in to download the latest version of Lavasoft Personal Firewall here.

When logged in, select your product from "Your licenses" ? "Download software".

Double-click the file once downloaded and follow the on-screen instructions in the Installation Wizard to install

Click 'Finish' to complete the installation and to launch Lavasoft Personal Firewall

I want to purchase the program. How will the product be delivered to me?

When you purchase the Lavasoft Registry Tuner, you will receive an e-mail with the serial number and a link to download the product in order to install it directly on your computer.

Why do I receive an error while shredding empty folders?

An application error causes the shredding of an empty folder to fail. Shredding a single empty folder will give an "Operation Failed" result. The cause of this is that empty folders does not include any information to shred and this error is therefore safe to ignore.

Why does shredding system files not remove all the selected files?

Windows and many open applications are constantly using various temporary files. Since these files are in use, they cannot be modified by other applications. As a result, the operation "Shred System Files" will usually generate the result "Operation completed with errors". If you wish to remove more files, simply restart your computer and try again. The operation "Shred Free Space" can also be used to ensure that there is a bare minimum of sensitive temporary files on your system.

Why does it take a long time to start a shredding of the Recycle Bin?

When you select the Recycle Bin Shredder this operation might take a while to complete depending on your configuration. This is usually caused by an unusually large amount of files in the root of the recycle bin. In order for File Shredder to be able to list the paths of the files to be shredded, a lot of processing power is required. In older systems, this can sometimes cause a delay of several minutes before the application can be used again. If this occurs, please make sure that you empty or shred the content of your recycle bin regularly to avoid this problem in the future.

What is the Subscription Center?

The Subscription Center is used to keep track of your software subscription and also helps you to keep your software up-to-date. You will always need an active subscription in order to use the application. When you first install the application will be able to run the application for free during a "grace period". When this evaluation period expires you will need to purchase an activation code. This code is used to activate your subscription. This subscription feature is becoming standard for most security products and helps to ensures that you are using the latest version of your security software.

How can I activate my software subscription without an Internet connection?

Please contact us for more information on how to activate your software subscription if you do not have access to an Internet connection.

What is the Subscription Center?

The Subscription Center is used to keep track of your software subscription and also helps you to keep your software up-to-date. You will always need an active subscription in order to use the application. When you first install the application will be able to run the application for free during a "grace period". When this evaluation period expires you will need to purchase an activation code. This code is used to activate your subscription. This subscription feature is becoming standard for most security products and helps to ensures that you are using the latest version of your security software.

Can I update from Ad-Aware SE Plus/Professional to Ad-Aware 2007 Plus/Pro?


My email address got a -1, -2 or -3 appended at the end. When I requested my login credentials my email was not recognized by your site and I could not enter the Support Center.

There are rare occasions where the automatic email reminder function attaches a random number in the end of the email address to make them unique and avoid a possible conflict.
Your email is not changed in the database, and you still use it to enter the Support Center. Just remove the hyphen and the number.

Why is my Ad-Aware Enterprise Console unable to connect to the server service?

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Why do I receive an error while shredding empty folders?

An application error causes the shredding of an empty folder to fail. Shredding a single empty folder will give an "Operation Failed" result. The cause of this is that empty folders does not include any information to shred and this error is therefore safe to ignore.

Why does shredding system files not remove all the selected files?

Windows and many open applications are constantly using various temporary files. Since these files are in use, they cannot be modified by other applications. As a result, the operation "Shred System Files" will usually generate the result "Operation completed with errors". If you wish to remove more files, simply restart your computer and try again. The operation "Shred Free Space" can also be used to ensure that there is a bare minimum of sensitive temporary files on your system.

Why does it take a long time to start a shredding of the Recycle Bin?

When you select the Recycle Bin Shredder this operation might take a while to complete depending on your configuration. This is usually caused by an unusually large amount of files in the root of the recycle bin. In order for File Shredder to be able to list the paths of the files to be shredded, a lot of processing power is required. In older systems, this can sometimes cause a delay of several minutes before the application can be used again. If this occurs, please make sure that you empty or shred the content of your recycle bin regularly to avoid this problem in the future.

How can I activate my software subscription without an Internet connection?

Please contact us for more information on how to activate your software subscription if you do not have access to an Internet connection.

Why does the Ad-Watch icon flash?

The Ad-Watch tray icon will flash whenever a new event is detected. This is normal behavior and does not specifically mean that there is anything wrong with your system. In the current version of Ad-Watch we will add the option to turn this notification off. All events will still be logged and can be viewed in the event log in Ad-Watch.

The Internet connection is broken (some applications cannot access the network, e-mail cannot be received, some sites cannot be browsed)

Ensure that the Rules Wizard firewall policy is on, by right clicking on the Firewall icon in the Windows System Tray and and going to Firewall Policy. This will help you control all the connections that do not come under any rule.

If the problem persists
In the product's main window click Event Viewer. See what is blocked and why (in the Allow/Block Reason column). Modify the appropriate rule.

If this does not help, temporarily disable the Lavasoft Personal Firewall product protection and check if the application is still blocked. To currently disable the product protection, right-click the product icon in the system tray and select the Suspend Protection option. Select the period of time for suspension and click OK.

Check if the application is still blocked,if it is, click Settings ? Network Rules. If you see the application in the Blocked list, drag it to the list of Custom Access. If it is already in the Custom Access list, drag it to Trusted.

How can I activate/disable Ad-Watch from the Enterprise Management Console.

To activate/disable Ad-Watch on a client or group of clients, Open the Ad-Aware Enterprise Console. In the lower left-hand pane under "Machine", right click on a client or group of clients and click on Activate or Disable Ad-Watch.

How can I activate my software subscription without an Internet connection?

Please contact us for more information on how to activate your software subscription if you do not have access to an Internet connection.

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Before deleting critical objects, you have the option to create a system restore point. A system restore point allows you to restore your computer to a previous working state, in the event of a problem. System restore creates backups, or restore points, of vital system configurations and files. You may choose to create a system restore point prior to deleting objects that you are unsure of removing, or after handling items detected by a scan, when you know that your system is clean.

What is the Subscription Center?

The Subscription Center is used to keep track of your software subscription and also helps you to keep your software up-to-date. You will always need an active subscription in order to use the application. When you first install the application will be able to run the application for free during a "grace period". When this evaluation period expires you will need to purchase an activation code. This code is used to activate your subscription. This subscription feature is becoming standard for most security products and helps to ensures that you are using the latest version of your security software.

When I click on the Ad-Watch icon on the desktop nothing happens?

When I click on the Ad-Watch icon on the desktop nothing happens? This happens when Ad-Watch has already started and is running in the background. To open the Ad-Watch interface, just double-click on the Ad-Watch icon in the system tray and click 'Settings'. Once you click on the Ad-Watch icon (when Ad-Watch is not already loaded) it will open the program on the status page, just minimize the screen to load Ad-Watch in the system tray.e

How do I remove detected objects after a scan?

After a scan is finished the 'Scan Results' screen is shown, detected objects are listed by family and are given a pre-selected Lavasoft 'recommended action' defined by Lavasoft experts.
The infection type, total number of objects, their TAI rating and the action to perform are also shown.

To change an Action click on the drop-down menu under the Action heading.
The following actions are available.

Custom: You can change the Action by clicking on "Custom Action" or by clicking on the description menu at the end of that particular Family.

Remove all: Delete all objects for a particular family from your system.
Quarantine all: Add all objects for a particular family to Quarantine; isolate and back-up the object in quarantine, where it does not pose a threat to your system.
Add To Ignore List: Add the object to the Ignore List; keep the item on your system and make sure it is not detected in future scans.
Allow all Once: Allow the objects for a particular family to stay on the system. During the next scan, the objects will be detected again.
Repair all: Ad-Aware will attempt to repair all objects for a particular family.

Note: Selected action for a particular family will be applied only to objects that selected action can be applied to.

To change an Action for single detected object from the recommended action, choose custom and select one of the following custom actions.

Quarantine: Add the object to Quarantine; isolate and back-up the object in quarantine, where it does not pose a threat to your system.
Remove: Delete the object from your system.
Add To Ignore: Add the object to the Ignore List; keep the item on your system and make sure it is not detected in future scans.
Allow Once: Allow the object to stay on the system. During the next scan, the object will be detected again.
Repair: Repair detected object (available only for specific objects).

Select the required action for each object from the drop-down menu and then click "Perform Actions Now".
Ad-Aware will apply the required action for each detected object and present you with the "Scan Summary? screen.

What is the difference between a scheduled and a manual scan?

A manual scan is targeted at a single computer. A scheduled scan is targeted at all clients within the group that have been selected for scanning in the Console. Unlike scheduled scanning, manual scanning does not allow you to change the scanning parameters before you run the scan; the current selected settings in the "Scheduled Scanning Options" panel are used. If you do not want to use the default settings, we recommend using a scheduled scan rather than the "Scan" icon.

To perform a manual scan:

* Select an individual client from the list of client computers.
* Click the "Scan" icon or the F11 key.

To perform a scheduled scan:

* Select the scanning options you would like to use.
* Select the days of the week and the time of the day when you would like to run the scan.

What does the 'Authenticity verified' check in the 'Update Status' screen Indicate?

* A green checkmark indicates that the definition file (core.aawdef) is valid and correctly downloaded.
* A red cross indicates that the file is either outdated or corrupt.

Note: Ad-Aware will find the definitions to be outdated if the file has not been updated within the number of days selected in the Web Update settings.

Click the "Update" button in the "Main status" window to update and download a new definitions file. If this doesn't work you should delete "core.aawdef" located in (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007 or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware). Then click the "Update" button in the "Main status" window to update and download the definitions file.

Restart Ad-Aware.

Why does a background scan take a long time?

An Ad-Aware background scan is designed not to slow down your computer during scanning.

A background scan will only use available resources while you are using other applications.

If there are a lot of applications running (less resources available), the background scan will take longer depending on your computer's capabilities.

Once you have closed other applications, scanning will run at full speed.

What is the 'Automatic update' status?

It indicates that Ad-Aware is set to automatically update the definition file when starting Ad-Aware or in a scheduled update. This can be turned on / off under the Settings > Auto Scans tab "Update Definition File at Startup". A scheduled update can be removed from the ?Schedule Tasks? list in the Scan > Scheduler menu.

How do I resolve the "Error 1800" problem?

To solve the problem you experienced, you will need to remove a possibly corrupt settings file for Ad-Aware. To do this:

1. Open explorer and navigate to the file. The file is usually stored in
* ?C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware 2007? or
* ?C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware?
If you cannot find the folder please set your explorer to show hidden files. (To do this: open explorer, go to the "Tools" menu and click "Folder Options." Select the "View" tab and choose "Show Hidden Files" under "Hidden Files and Folders".)
2. The file to remove is called "settings.aaw". Please be sure not to delete any other files.
3. Restart your computer. Ad-Aware will start as normal.

How do I resolve the "Error 500x" problem?

If you try to manually start a scan or update while a scheduled scan or update is running, you will receive a 5000 error.

When you see the spinning Ad-Aware icon in the system tray you cannot start a manual scan since the icon indicates that a scheduled scan is already running and therefore the Ad-Aware scan engine is busy and will produce this error.

To stop the scan you need to right-click the System Tray icon and select to terminate the scan. You can also force to terminate the scan by restarting the service:

1. Close Ad-Aware
2. Go to Windows Start menu, choose 'Run...', type in 'Services.msc' and in the service window, stop Ad-Aware 2007 Service.
3. Open Ad-Aware to restart the service.

Do you have a way to compare Lavasoft products?

Please take a look at our Product Comparison Chart to help you decide which product is right for you or your business.

Can you get Ad-Aware in other languages?

Currently, Ad-Aware is available in an English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch and Flemish version.

Other language support is in development and will be available at a future date.

Can I use Ad-Aware with an anti-virus program?

All versions of Ad-Aware are compatible with all major anti-virus and firewall solutions.

Why is detected malware not deleted when a scan is complete?

To automatically remove detected malware after performing a scan:

* Open the "Scheduled Scanning Options" option panel.
* Verify that the "Automatic Cleaning" checkbox is checked.

This will allow detected malware be removed after scanning.

I want to use the Lavasoft Registry Tuner, but is it safe to delete registry entries?

We have built in the necessary safeguards to put your ease at mind when using our product to optimize your Windows registry. A system restore point is always created, that includes a registry backup, before anything is deleted. You can easily revert to the previous state by using the ?Backup Registry? option.

Registration Key Restoring

If you have had to change your hard disk or reinstall the product on your computer during the license period, you can use your registration key. You just need to insert your registration key in the corresponding dialog box. The licensing term will not be changed, this is defined at time of purchase.

For further assistance, please log-in here.

What are the benefits of becoming a Lavasoft reseller?

Lavasoft resellers are entitled to a standard discount, enabling them to sell our industry leading Lavasoft products at a rate which will benefit their entire customer base. The discount rate can increase over time with exceptional performance and consistency. Resellers also have direct access to sales support, when required.

How do I resolve the "Error 6000" problem?

The Error 6000 is relating to an older version of Ad-Aware. The issue is resolved in the current version.

Please, download the latest version of Ad-Aware from the Support Center or https://secure.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php and try to reinstall.

You can also perform a Web Update to install any recent software updates. Select the 'Web Update' menu in Ad-Aware. Click the 'Update' button to connect to the update server and download the updates. Restart Ad-Aware and Ad-Watch to activate the changes.

I am not familiar with the registry in my computer. What if I use the Lavasoft Registry Tuner and something goes wrong with my system?

The Lavasoft Registry Tuner is designed with all levels of computer users in mind. Information is included within the software that allows you to easily reverse changes by using the ?Backup Registry? option and selecting the desired registry backup for restoration. Your system will revert to the previous settings.

Do you have manuals for Ad-Aware products?

User manuals are included in the installation files for all editions of Ad-Aware. If you cannot access your copy, please download a new copy from Product Manuals in the Support Center.

Why are some Ad-Aware Enterprise clients shown in red?

When the client is shown as red this means that it was originally registered with the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server, but the connection changed. Check for any firewall issues and if the IP-address of the Server has changed. If so, to correct this you need to restart the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server client service on the clients whose IP address has changed.

To do this:

* Restart the Ad-Aware Enterprise client service either by going to the Control Panel, "Administrative Tools," then "Service" or you can restart your computer. This makes the Ad-Aware Enterprise client service re-register with the Ad-Aware Enterprise Server and show up in the Ad-Aware Enterprise Console.

If the problem continues, check if your client?s firewall settings have changed. If so, you may need to open the TCP port for your Ad-Aware Enterprise client.

What is the correct procedure for installation and activation of the product?

Run the setup file and follow the steps provided by the installation wizard. When the installation has completed the program will automatically start and the Activation window will open. Please enter your “Activation code” then click “Activate”. You need to be connected to the Internet for this process to succeed. After the Activation was successful, click “Close”.

What is a 'Recommended Action' in the scan results screen?

Detected objects are listed by family and are given a pre-selected SmartSet recommendation defined by Lavasoft experts. Lavasoft SmartSet makes scanning and cleaning as easy as possible by providing automatically configured settings for scans, and by providing recommended actions for found objects.

Licensing term

Licensing term starts: when your 25-character activation key is issued shortly after the purchase is confirmed. It does not depend on the exact time when you enter it into the corresponding program's dialog box.

For license purchasing information please contact sales@lavasoft.com

Why am I having difficulties opening a Lavasoft Secure E-mail with Internet Explorer 7?

Microsoft has included new security features in Internet Explorer 7 that makes it difficult to run active content like to Java Applet used to decrypt Lavasoft Secure E-mails. This can be solved by modifying the security settings of Internet Explorer 7. Contact your local administrator to change the appropriate settings. You can also use an alternative browser â?? like Firefox or Internet Explorer 6 or older to open the secure e-mail.

What is the folder "C:\SITShred" and why is it full of files?

You are currently running an operation for shredding free disk space. This operations creates a temporary folder on each selected drive and fills it with large files until there is no more space left on the disk. This folder can also be present if the operation has terminated unexpectedly. If this folder is present without the Lavasoft application running it will automatically be removed the next time to start your application.

I have purchased the product, but I have lost the necessary information to install it?

In the event that you have misplaced your serial number and download link, please contact customer support through the Lavasoft Support Center.

Why am I running out of this space when I try to shred free disk space?

This is Windows reaction when the operation is shredding the empty disk space. It is safe to ignore this warning since the disk space will be made available continuously until the shredding is done.

Educational License and Discounting

For further pricing/multiple license information please contact sales@lavasoft.com

Why aren't my encrypted files received correctly when I send them?

It is likely that the receiver is using some sort of e-mail filtering software which removes the encrypted files attached in the e-mail. This software can be either installed locally or on the e-mail server. One reason can be that the filtering software does not recognize the file format since it is encrypted and therefore removes the file. Try to use different encryption formats the circumvent this problem. You can also try to send the encrypted file inside a compressed folder (.zip).

Does the reseller discount apply to the maintenance fee as well?

An annual maintenance and support fee is required to continue receiving software updates and upgrades each year. The discount rate is not the same as your existing account discount rate.

The yearly maintenance and support fee is based on 35% of the full retail price for corporate users and 25% of the full retail price for academic and non-profit institutions. As a Lavasoft reseller, you are entitled to receive a 10% discount on every corporate renewal and a 5% discount on license renewals for academic and non-profit organizations.

How do resellers purchase Lavasoft products?

To order products as a reseller, click on the Reseller Login link to log into the Reseller Center. After you are logged in, select the product you are interested in ordering.

Lavasoft Partners can order through the Partner Center. Visit Place an Order in the Partner E-Store.

I have purchased and installed the product, but it says my subscription has expired. Why?

You need to activate the software with your Activation code you received in an email after your purchase. Click on the “Settings” button (top right corner of the main window) then, on the General Settings tab, click on “Activate”. Please enter your “Activation code” then click “Activate”. You need to be connected to the Internet for this process to succeed. After the Activation was successful, click “Close”.

I get "No Administrator Rights" during installation. How can I install Lavasoft Personal Firewall?

In order to Install Lavasoft Personal Firewall you will need to be logged in to Windows as an Administrator or have sufficiant rights on your Windows user account.

Some user accounts may not have sufficiant privilages. If you are unsure, contact your system Administrator or the person who has installed Windows on your computer.

Why am I running out of this space when I try to shred free disk space?

This is Windows reaction when the operation is shredding the empty disk space. It is safe to ignore this warning since the disk space will be made available continuously until the shredding is done.

General License Information

The license agreement you sign after purchasing Lavasoft software grants you the right to use the software for the duration of your licensing period. The product you install, automatically checks for the license agreement and determines the licensing period based on the license key. The product can have only one active license key.

After a licensing term is complete, the components and modules update function are no longer available for the Lavasoft Personal Firewall software.

If you have no current license key or if a trial key has expired, the application will not download updates.

For further information please contact sales@lavasoft.com

What is the folder "C:\SITShred" and why is it full of files?

You are currently running an operation for shredding free disk space. This operations creates a temporary folder on each selected drive and fills it with large files until there is no more space left on the disk. This folder can also be present if the operation has terminated unexpectedly. If this folder is present without the Lavasoft application running it will automatically be removed the next time to start your application.

What is the current version of Ad-Aware?

To check the version of Ad-Aware you have installed on your computer, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. Click or move your pointer over the bottom edge of the application window. The floating panel is expanded.

2. On the panel, click the info icon. The information box appears with the installed version of Ad-Aware displayed.

Alternatively, on App Management screen, scroll down until reaching the Activation block, where the installed version is indicated.

The latest version of Ad-Aware is available here.

I changed my e-mail address. How do I update my registration information?

To update your e-mail address, please fill in the form on this page: http://www.lavasoft.com/mylavasoft/support/supportcenter/change_email_address.
IMPORTANT: Please provide your current registered mailing address, and the new e-mail address that you would like to use.

I paid for Plus/Pro, but got the Free version?

All versions: Ad-Aware Free, Plus and Pro use the same installation file. Before registration it is automatically installs to Free version. You need to register with your Serial Number to activate the full feature versions of Ad-Aware Plus and Pro.

A restart of the program is required after registration.

Can Lavasoft Personal Firewall be installed remotely using Remote Desktop Connection?

* When you come to the last step of the Configuration Wizard, select No, I will restart the computer later and open the Lavasoft Personal Firewall settings. Click Finish:
* Select the Network Rules page and click System-Wide Rules. Select the Low-Level Rules tab
* Create the allowing rule for incoming TCP packets to local port 3389 and mark this rule as High Priority:
* Click OK and move the rule to the top of the list:

Note, that if this rule is not created, you will not be able to connect to the computer remotely after it is restarted at the end of the Lavasoft Personal Firewall installation.

How do I download the Lavasoft Registry Tuner software?

You can download the installation file from the Support Center. Use your registered email address and the password that you received with the email confirmation of your purchase/registration. To download your software, log in, go to 'Your licenses'. This will list your licenses and you will find the download links below each valid license. Click the link and save it to your hard drive.

What languages does Ad-Aware support?

You can find supported languages here

Does Lavasoft Registry Tuner work on 64 Bit Operative Systems?

Lavasoft Registry Tuner is compatible with the following Operating Systems:

  • • Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 (32-bit) Home / Professional / Media Center
  • • Microsoft® Windows Vista® (32-bit and 64-bit) Starter / Home / Basic / Home Premium /Business / Ultimate
  • • Microsoft® Windows 7® (32-bit and 64-bit) Starter / Home / Basic / Home Premium / Professional / Ultimate

What support is included with the Ad-Aware Free version?

We do not offer email support for Freeware users.
Please use our support forums at http://www.lavasoftsupport.com where volunteers and employees can assist you.

Can I purchase Ad-Watch separately?

Ad-Watch is not sold as a separate product; it is included in Ad-Aware.

Do I need to enter name and email address when activating my license in the Subscription Center?

No, it is sufficient to enter the Activation Code.

How will I be informed about updates to this program?

We will notify you when a new update is released. You will then be able to update directly through our Customer Support Center on the Lavasoft website at www.lavasoft.com.

My user information in the Support Center says that I do not have a valid license. Is this correct?

Please open the Ad-Aware program on your computer and click "Manage License" to view the current license state. If this is still valid please email general support at Lavasoft.com with your full name and email address at the time of purchase.

What rules should I create for my peer to peer application (Skype, dc++, emule, etc.)? Is it safe to put this application into the Trusted applications group?

It is is difficult to predict what ports and addresses will be used by any peer-to-peer client such as Skype or others. Creating a set of rules for the ports most often used by the application will most likely restrict its network access, multiple connection prompts will be displayed if working in Rules Wizard mode or some application data will be blocked. We recommend putting such applications into the Trusted applications group.

If you use this application on a daily basis, you should more or less trust it, so putting it into the Trusted applications group will not compromise your security.

To add an application to the Trusted applications group:

* Click Settings on the toolbar.
* Select the Trusted group on the Firewall ? Network rules page.
* Click Add, browse to the application executable, and click Open.
* Click OK to save.

To minimize risk and avoid any exploitation of possible vulnerabilities in this software, we recommend updating your applications regularly by downloading and installing new versions or software updates from their vendors.

Rules auto creation

What exactly do you mean by "automatic application of program network access rules"?

With this system, rules that govern how various applications on your computer access the Internet will be automatically configured and applied based on the extensive default settings worked out by experts for each of the most popular software packages people use. This eliminates a lot of decisions a user has to make when a new connection is initiated on their PC. It relieves the end-user of having to correctly (and more importantly securely) configure the security product to handle different programs' access. Before this innovation, inexperienced users reported difficulties managing their firewall, but the addition of automatic rules creation makes working with the program amazingly simple by actual user reports and reviews.

Advanced users (who understand the inner workings of network traffic) can choose to disable this option during installation of Personal Firewall or on the Policy tab of the Settings menu for Lavasoft Personal Firewall

Products incompatible with Lavasoft Personal Firewall

Lavasoft Personal Firewall may perform along with some other security products, but not with all of them. Lavasoft Personal Firewall will definitely not perform with security products containing firewalls. Therefore make sure that you delete such programs before installing Lavasoft Personal Firewall.

The number of firewalls is constantly growing, below is a list of the most used products incompatible with Lavasoft Personal Firewall:

* ActiveArmor Firewall (nVidia Network Access Manager)
* AGAVA Firewall
* Armor2net Personal Firewall
* AtGuard
* BlackICE Defender
* Check Point Firewall
* Comodo Firewall Pro
* Danware NetOp Firewall
* F-Secure Internet Security/Antivirus
* F-Secure Internet Shield
* Jetico Personal Firewall
* Kaspersky Anti-Hacker
* Kaspersky Internet Security
* Kerio Personal Firewall
* Look 'n' Stop
* McAfee Personal Firewall
* Norton Internet Security
* Panda Platinum Internet Security
* PC Firewall
* Quick Heal Firewall Pro
* R-TT R-Firewall
* Rising Personal FireWall
* Secret Surf Firewall
* Softwin Bitdefender Pro
* Sophos Clien Firewall
* Sygate Personal Firewall
* Tiny Personal Firewall
* TheGreenBow TGB::BOB
* Trend Micro PC-cillin Firewall
* ZoneAlarm Security Suite

Lavasoft Personal Firewall is incompatible with the following security products:

* BWMeter (Desksoft Network packet filter driver)
* NetLimiter Pro

Lavasoft Personal Firewalls partial performance with some of the listed products is possible only if you disable firewalls as well as other tools for controlling network traffic contained in those products. However, in such cases Lavasoft does not guarantee stable operation of its software.

Ad-Aware Free does not remove viruses, why?

Ad-Aware Free is a dedicated anti-spyware program.

If you require Anti-virus protection we recommend you to upgrade to our Ad-Aware 2008 Plus/Pro products which now also includes extended antivirus protection.

Why can I not fix some errors?

Some errors cannot be deleted if in use by another user or program. This may be an essential file for another program and we do not recommend that you delete it.


There may not be any errors and/or missing files left to fix. This may be because you previously scanned your computer and clicked ?Fix Problems?, which fixes all the problems leaving no missing files or errors left. The Fix Problems button only works when you have just scanned your system. Once you click on the Fix Problems button all the errors are fixed, and the button will not work again until you scan the registry again. If this does not solve your problem or you are still having trouble getting the program to work, please contact Technical Support for assistance.

Do you have a version of your product that can be installed on one server and monitored on a network?

Ad-Aware Business Edition offers the Centralized Management Control Tool for networks. Our central control tool gives your IT Administrator full control and centralized monitoring capability for your entire network. The Ad-Aware Business Edition control tool allows your IT Administrator to configure and manage all registered and active clients (network computer users), to see what computers are actively running Ad-Aware, to monitor reference file versions, and to evaluate the spyware/malware detection logs from previous Ad-Aware scans.

What happens after I purchase Ad-Aware?

After purchasing the product from our homepage, you will receive a confirmation e-mail, with all the information regarding your purchase, including your customer reference number, price and the Ad-Aware version you purchased. To receive this information, it is important to include your accurate e-mail address at the time of purchase. You will also receive an email advising you how to download and install your version of Ad-Aware.

Can I install Lavasoft Personal Firewall on a server?

Yes, Lavasoft Personal Firewall can be installed on a server, but we do not recommend it. Lavasoft Personal Firewall is designed specifically to run on user workstations connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) or the Internet.

Lavasoft Personal Firewall does not provide several important functions that a server firewall must provide and all of its presets are applicable to workstations. A server firewall needs very different application traffic filtering settings, so if you install Lavasoft Personal Firewall on a server with the default settings, much of the useful traffic to and/or from your server will be blocked by default. In addition, a server firewall needs to be able to create rules based on different network adapters being used by the various workstations connected to the server. Moreover, some plug-ins do not affect transit traffic through a server.

You can install Lavasoft Personal Firewall on a server so it provides some firewall functions, but - for performance optimization - you must perform the following steps.

* Disable Host Protection to prevent popup prompts for user reaction every time an application component or critical system object is changed and an application performs some system activity (click Settings ? Host Protection and clear the Enable Host Protection check box).
* Disable Blocking private data transfer on the ID Block page.
* Switch off the Rules Wizard mode and select either Allow Most or Block Most.
* Disable logging (clear the Log debugging information check box on the Logs page).

Who should I contact if I have questions regarding payment?

Please contact Lavasofts ecommerce provider who is Cleverbridge regarding payment and ordering issues. You can send in a Lavasoft Sales Support inquiry from the Support Center, or from the Partner Center, if you are a Lavasoft Partner.

If I delete a registry entry and I want to undelete it, can I retrieve it?

Yes. You can undo changes by navigating to the ?Backup Registry? tab and selecting either the Partial or Full Backups option, and then click ?Restore.?

What is the difference between Ad-Aware's and Ad-Watch's TrackSweep?


By checking the buttons next to the items of your choice, and clicking 'Clean', the tracks left behind when you surf the Internet can be cleaned from Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera web browsers.

The browser needs to be closed to be cleaned.


Ad-Watch TrackSweep automatically deletes cookies that are in the Detection Database. If you do not want TrackSweep to clean all cookies that are in detection, you can adjust the Ad-Watch settings so that cookies are not automatically deleted.

Check the buttons next to the items of your choice just like Ad-Aware's TrackSweep. The difference is that tracks left behind when you surf the Internet will be cleaned from Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera web browsers, when you close the browser.

What is the 'use scanner extension' option in Ad-Aware 2008 Plus/Pro?

This option refers to the new virus scanning engine in Ad-Aware 2008 Plus/Pro.

In Ad-Aware 2008 Plus/Pro you can scan with or without the extended virus scanning engine.
This option is turned on by default. It is not included in Ad-Aware 2008 Free. To turn this option off go to the Ad-Aware 2008 settings and in the 'scanning' tab disable the option for 'use scanner extension' and click save.

Use Heuristics on extended scan:

During an extended scan, Ad-Aware will scan objects using Heuristics ? files are analyzed based on behavior to assess if they may pose a threat. This option is turned off by default. If you choose to scan using Heuristics, select the Heuristics level to be used.

In Ad-Watch you can also use this option to use the extended anti-virus database, to extend the real time protection of your system. This option is turned on by default. To turn this option off in Ad-Watch go to the settings and disable the option for 'Use scanner extension'.

What are Rootkits?

"Rootkit" usually defines software, that after infiltrated in a system, it hides resources such as registry entries, files or processes. Thus it conceals the presence of attackers on the system, allowing them access at any time.

How can I scan the boot sectors of the hard disk?

You can activate the boot sector scanning in the Scanner's configuration:

When boot sector scanning is activated, the boot sector of the local drive is scanned along with the drive.

If you want to scan only the boot sectors, go to the Extras menu, select Boot records scan and then the drive:

Then click Scan.

Why did the previous plug-ins for Ad-Aware disappear?

All appropriate plug-ins from our previous Ad-Aware SE version were integrated into the new version and are now a part of the base technology for the current product. With the new web update program available for software updates, we are now able to provide direct updates to your program, eliminating the need for most plug-ins.

We will, however, continue to release tools periodically to address new and highly malicious threats that cannot be removed solely by the Ad-Aware program.

What impact does Lavasoft's Registry Tuner have on my computer?

Regular use of the Lavasoft Registry Tuner will result in a faster and more stable system, improved program performance, and a reduction in system crashes.

User Interface and Operation

You can operate the Ad-Aware application via the following program interface elements:

1. Caption panel

On the panel, you can see the program name. Use the Minimize and Close buttons to minimize or hide the application to the taskbar, or close the application. You may use the caption panel to move an application window by grabbing the title bar and dragging.

2. Header

On the panel, you can see the program version and status bar indicating that computer is protected, at risk or threats are detected.

3. Left menu

The menu's purpose is to supply a common housing for the main application features. Click the menu element of your choice to access the required menu section.

4. Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a navigation and effective visual aid that indicates your location within the application’s hierarchy. It allows you to keep track of your locations within Ad-Aware.

Breadcrumbs reduce the number of actions you need to take to get to a higher-level screen, and they improve the findability of the application's sections and screens.

5. Back button

Gives you a way to return to the previous screen.

6. Content pane

Once you click the menu element of your choice on the Left menu, a corresponding menu section opens.

7. Floating panel

To make the floating panel visible, click or move your pointer over the bottom edge of the application window for the panel to make it expanded. On the panel, you can see a logo and the following icons: alerts, info and help.

How to configure Web Protection Advanced Settings

Ad-Aware allows you to configure advanced settings for the Web Protection feature from the Web Protection Advanced Settings screen.

To access it, on the Web Protection screen, in the Web Protection block, click Advanced Settings.

Here you can manage the following features:

  • Anti-Phishing. Click the slider to identify phishing content contained in websites and prevent fraudulent websites from masquerading as other legitimate websites.
  • Malware Urls. Click the slider to block access to the websites that are included in Lavasoft database of unsafe URLs.
  • Malware Scanner. Click the slider to enable monitoring and blocking of malicious content that may access your computer while browsing in the Internet.

To configure advanced settings for the Malware Scanner feature, in the Malware Scanner block, click Advanced Settings.

Here you can view and manage the following settings:

  • Scan archive files. Click the slider to enable scanning and detection of viruses inside archives.
  • Scan packed executables. Click the slider to enable scanning and detection of malicious code inside packed executables.
  • Deep Scan. Click the slider to enable thorough checking inside CHM and installer files.
  • Smart Scan. Click the slider to activate the storing of the scan result together with a file checksum. It enables skipping the files previously deemed as clean. These files are rescanned periodically to make sure they were not incorrectly detected as clean before the signature for the virus was added.

What is an external storage scan

Available on Pro

Checks additional hard disks, USB and network storage devices for complete system coverage.

How to disable Lavasoft SecureSearch as browser's default search provider

To disable Lavasoft SecureSearch as your browser's default search provider, proceed through the steps listed below:

On Internet Explorer:

  1. With the Internet Explorer window, click Tools, and then click Manage Add-ons.
  2. Under Search Providers, select the search provider you want to disable, and then click Disable.
  3. Once you are done, click Close.

On Firefox:

  1. In the main address bar of your Firefox browser, type about:config in the address bar and press enter. If you have never done this before, you can see a warning about the dangers of messing with advanced settings in Firefox. Accept the prompt that appears and you are taken to a page that contains a long list of entries.
  2. Search for Keyword, find the entry Keyword.url and double click it. You are presented with a dialog that asks you to Enter String Value.
  3. Replacing the string with the required URL makes the relevant search engine the default.

On Chrome:

  1. On the browser toolbar, click the Chrome menu, and then click Settings.
  2. In the Search section, select the search engine you want to use from the menu. If the search engine you want to use does not appear in the menu, click Manage search engines.
  3. In the Search Engines dialog that appears, select the search engine you want to use from the list, and then click the Make Default button that appears in the row.
  4. If the search engine you want to use is not on this list, you can first add it as a new search engine option.

    If the Make Default button does not appear for the search engine you have selected, you may need to edit its URL.

How to configure Network Protection advanced settings

You can set and configure advanced settings for the Network Protection feature from the Advanced Settings screen.

To access the Advanced Settings screen, on the Network Protection screen, click Advanced Settings.

Here you can manage the following settings:

  • Internet connection sharing. Click the slider to enable the protection of your internet connection from being shared without your consent.
  • Block port scans. Click the slider to enable blocking hackers from scanning your computer ports.
  • Monitor process changes. Click the slider to enable monitoring all process changes in applications and adapters for which you have created rules.
  • Application Rules. Click the link to manage operations applied to your applications.
  • Adapter Settings. Click the link to manage adapter(s) available on your PC.
  • Default action. Use the drop-down combo box to select a default action (Allow, Deny or Prompt). Allow and Deny actions are applied to any program or zone, or both for which no rule has been created yet. If the Prompt action is selected, you are prompted to apply Allow or Deny action for any application, when it is trying to access network/internet.

Once Allow or Deny action is applied, the corresponding application rule is automatically created. When the application accesses network/internet next time, you are not prompted again.

Notifications and Balloons

To keep you informed about the Ad-Aware Antivirus program’s activity, notifications as well as balloons display for the following events:

  1. Threat is detected during the scanning process. Click View details to navigate to the Scan Computer screen.

  2. Threat is detected in real time.

  3. The balloon shows the action applied to the threat found (quarantine, disinfect) and a threat path. The full path to the threat is provided in a tooltip. Click THREAT QUARANTINED to navigate to the Detection History screen.

  4. Threat is detected by the Active Virus Control feature.

  5. The balloon shows the type and path of the blocked threat.

  6. The scan (context menu or automatic) starts. Click View details to navigate to the Scan Computer screen.

  7. Update for the application, or an additional download, or both, is available. Click Click here to update now to navigate to the Home screen.

  8. Special offer is available. Click View details to navigate to the Home screen.

  1. Scan of any type is completed.

How to restore Ad-Aware to default settings

If you want to restore Ad-Aware to default settings, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management. The App Management screen opens.

2. In the System Reset block, click Reset All.

If you have the Security pin option enabled, you are asked to type 4 digit pin number when attempting to reset all settings to default.

How to repair Ad-Aware

If you want to repair Ad-Aware, follow the steps listed below:

1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen).

2. Click Control Panel in the Start Menu.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs / Click Programs, and then click Programs and Features. Select Ad-Aware Antivirus from the list and then click Change.

The programs installed are typically listed in an alphabetical order.

4. With the dialog box displayed, select Repair Ad-Aware and then click Next.

5. You can see the repairing process in progress.

6. Once the repairing process is complete, click Close.

How to install

This download of Ad-Aware Antivirus includes a full version of Ad-Aware Antivirus. Before you install Ad-Aware, we recommend that you disable or uninstall other security-related programs. The installation of this application in less than ten steps.

Step 1: To start the installation, locate and double-click the downloaded file.

Step 2: When the File Download dialog box appears, click the Save button.

Step 3: Once the download is complete, go to the downloaded path and double-click the installation file to launch a setup wizard.

Step 4: Follow the prompts within the installer to complete the installation of Ad-Aware Antivirus.

1. First, choose your preferred language and click the option of your choice.
2. With the dialog box displayed, choose the folder to install the Ad-Aware Antivirus application. The default destination folder is C:\Program Files\Ad-Aware Antivirus\ Note: To change the location, click the Change button. Select the Create a Desktop Shortcut check box if you want a program shortcut appear on your desktop. Once you have carefully read the Ad-Aware End User license agreement, make sure to select the “I Accept this End -User License Agreement” check box. To proceed to the next step, simply click the next button to continue.
3. The Ad-Aware Security Toolbar is an additional download you can install for your browser. Just select the Install Ad-Aware Security Toolbar (recommended) option within the displayed dialog box. To proceed, click Next.
4. You can see the progress of the Ad-Aware Antivirus installation process.
5. Congratulations! The Ad-Aware Antivirus application has been successfully installed on your PC.
6. Click Finish to close the Ad-Aware Setup Wizard.
7. To complete the installation, you must restart your computer. With the dialog box displayed, accept the prompt. Click No if you want to restart later. *Please note that if you do not re-start your computer this may cause issues at next start-up*

Your computer restarts and Ad-Aware Antivirus is completely installed.

*For more detailed information with screen shots please see the product manual for Ad-Aware10*

How to enable and configure Web Protection

The web is the number one source of malware and the threats which get more varied and sophisticated every day. The Web Protection feature allows blocking the latest web threats and keep you safe from malicious sites. It implies an Internet filter and parental control for your computer.

To set and configure the Web Protection feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Web Protection. The Web Protection screen opens.

2. Click the slider next to Web Protection to enable Web Protection.

Alternatively, on the Home screen, click the slider next to Web Protection to enable the feature.

3. Click Advanced Settings to access additional settings for Web Protection.

If Ad-Aware has detected any incompatible software, you need to install additional components to enable Web Protection. For the purpose, click the slider and then continue installing additional components.

To enable the Parental Control feature, click the slider next to Parental Control.

You can disable the Parental Control feature separately. With that, the Web Protection feature remains enabled.

How to configure Application Rules

On the Application Rules screen, you can configure access to your network from applications installed on your PC by creating your own rules.

To access the Application Rules screen, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Network Protection.

2. On the Network Protection screen, click Advanced Settings.

3. With the Advanced Settings screen displayed, click Manage in the Application Rules block.

Here you can add, edit or remove rules to be applied to the applications installed on your PC.

To add a rule, click Add. With the Add Rule screen displayed, specify the required parameters and click Save.

  • Program Path: Click Browse and select the application the rule applies to.

  • Local Address: Select the Any check box if you you want to allow or deny traffic for any local address. If you clear the check box, the IP and Port text boxes become available for specifying the parameters. You are allowed to type only one value for IP address, and several values separated by a comma or a range of values using dash for Port.

  • Remote Address: Select the Any check box if you you want to allow or deny traffic for any remote address. If you clear the check box, the IP and Port text boxes become available for specifying the parameters. You are allowed to type several values separated by a comma for IP address, and several values separated by a comma or a range of values using dash for Port.

  • Protocol: Select the Any radio button to include all IP protocols.
    Select the TCP radio button to enable two hosts to establish a connection and exchange streams of data. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol - guarantees data and guarantees delivery of packets in the same order they have been sent.
    Select the UDP radio button to use User Datagram Protocol that is an IP-based transport designed for high performance. It is often used by games and other video-based applications.
    Select the Other radio button and indicate a number to represent a specific IP protocol (other than TCP and UDP).

  • Direction: Select from the drop-down combo box the traffic direction the rule applies to.
    Outbound means that the rule applies only for the outgoing traffic.
    Inbound means that the rule applies only for the incoming traffic.
    Both means that the rule applies in both directions.

  • IP Version: Select from the drop-down combo box suitable IP address format: IPv4, IPv6, or Any.

  • Permission: Select from the drop-down combo box an option to allow or deny application access to the network or Internet under the specified circumstances.

To edit a rule, select it in the application rules list, and then click Edit. With the Add Rule screen displayed, modify the parameters previously set, and click Save.

To delete a rule, select it in the application rules list, and then click Remove.

How to manage security pin settings

To create a security code for Ad-Aware, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management. The App Management screen opens.

2. In the Security pin block, click Insert your security code or click the slider next to Security pin.

3. With the message box displayed, type a 4 digit pin number, and then click the Submit button.

4. Type your email address to help retrieving your pin if you forget it or use the wrong one. Click the Submit button.

5. With the confirmation message box, click the Close button. The Security pin is now enabled.

If you have the Security pin enabled, you are asked to type it when you try to manage settings or to use Ad-Aware features in two minutes after the last action has been completed.

If you forgot your pin number, with the message box displayed, click Forgot your key? Click here to resend it to retrieval email. Your 4 digit pin is now sent to the email address you have indicated as a retrieval one. If you cannot find it in your Inbox, please check your Spam and Junk folders.

The retrieval email contains 4 digit pin presented as pictures. Make sure the feature to show pictures is enabled in your email client. Please remember the digits and type them to the corresponding fields in the message box.

To customize security pin settings, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. With the App Management screen, in the Security pin block, click Change your security code to type your new 4 digit pin. Once you are done, click Submit.

2. With the confirmation message box, click the Close button. Your security code is now changed.

3. In the Security pin retrieval email block, click Change your retrieval email address to type your new email address. Once you are done, click Submit.

4. With the confirmation message box, click the Close button. Your retrieval email address is now changed.

In one minute after the first launch of application or after completion of system reset, the Security Pin Setup message box appears.

How to manage ignored notifications

If you want to manage notifications, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management. The App Management screen opens.

2. In the Ignored Notifications block, click Manage.

With the Ignored Notifications screen displayed, you can see the a list of actions you have ignored working with Notification Center.

To remove an action from the list, select the check box it corresponds to and then click Remove.

How to uninstall

To uninstall Ad-Aware Antivirus, first make sure the application is closed.

Option1 : Please go to your control panel and chose ADD/REMOVE Programs:

1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen).

2. Click Control Panel in the Start Menu.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs and find Ad-Aware Antivirus on the list of programs installed on the computer.

Note: The programs installed are typically listed in an alphabetical order.

4. Click Ad-Aware Antivirus and then click Change.

5. With the dialog box displayed, click Next to proceed.

6. On the next screen, select the Remove radio button, and then click Next.

7. Confirm your decision to remove the program form your system by clicking Remove.

8. Specify the application uninstallation settings: select or deselect the required check box(es) as needed. Once you are done, click Next.

9. You can see the uninstalling process in progress.

10. To complete the uninstalling process, click Finish.

Option 2 – Ad-Aware Antivirus uninstall:

1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen).

2. Click All Programs in the Start Menu.

3. Click the Ad-Aware Antivirus program and highlight it. On the menu that displays, you can see an uninstall option.

4. Click Uninstall Ad-Aware Antivirus to start the uninstalling process and follow the instructions.

*For more detailed information with screen shots please see the product manual for Ad-Aware10*

How to enable and configure Email Protection

The Email Protection feature allows you to shield email from malware, spam, and viruses filtering inbound messages. Once Email Protection is on, your email is automatically scanned behind the scenes.

To set and configure the Email Protection feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Email Protection. The Email Protection screen opens.

2. Click the slider next to Email Protection to enable Email Protection.

Alternatively, on the Home screen, click the slider next to Email Protection to enable the feature.

If Ad-Aware has detected any incompatible software, you need to install additional components to enable Email Protection. For the purpose, click the slider and then continue installing additional components.

Use the Protection Level drop-down combo box to select a level of the protection:

  • Aggressive. Provides maximum possible spam detection that guarantees complete protection against malicious content. However, there is a risk of false positives occurrence (detection of valid email messages as spam).
  • Normal. It is the recommended level that provides high degree of protection without detecting false positives.
  • Permissive. Provides the lowest level of protection (not recommended) that increases risk of false negatives.

Email Protection is available only for desktop email clients that use POP3/SMTP mail servers.

Safe List is a list of senders from which you want to receive messages, even if their content is similar to spam.

To add email addresses to the Safe List, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the Email Protection screen, in the Safe List block, click Manage.

2. With the Manage Safe List screen, click the Add button.

3. With the Add Senders to Safe List screen, type the description and email address in the corresponding fields.

4. Click the Save button. The email address appears in the list.

To remove the record from the list, select the check box it corresponds to and then click Remove.

To edit the record in the list, select the check box it corresponds to and then click Edit. With the Add Senders to Safe List screen displayed, modify the description and/or email address, and click Save.

How to configure Adapter Settings

On the Adapter Settings screen, you can manage adapter settings.

To access the Adapter Settings screen, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Network Protection.

2. On the Network Protection screen, click Advanced Settings.

3. With the Advanced Settings screen displayed, click Manage in the Adapter Settings block.

Here you can see adapter(s) found on your PC. To edit an adapter, click Edit next to it. The Adapter screen opens:

To add a zone, click Add. With the dialog displayed, type IP address and select an action (Allow or Deny), and then click Save.

To edit a zone, select it in the zone list, and then click Edit. With the Add Zone screen displayed, modify the parameters previously set, and click Save.

To delete a zone, select it in the zone list, and then click Remove.

In addition, you can specify a Stealth mode status. On the drop-down combo box, select an option of your choice:

  • On: your computer is invisible from both the local network and the Internet.
  • Off: anyone from the local network or the Internet can ping and detect your computer.
  • Remote: your computer cannot be detected from the Internet. Local network users can ping and detect your computer.

How to get help

If you have any questions about Ad-Aware antivirus or experience some problems while using it, there are several online resources that can help you find prompt and effective answers.

To get access to the online support, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Help Center.

2. With the Help Center screen, in the Frequently Asked Questions block, click View Frequently Asked Questions to check common questions, answers and to get better understanding of Ad-Aware antivirus.

3. In the Identity Protection block, click Go to Identity Protection to get protection against identity theft.

4. In the Lavasoft Forums block, click Go to Lavasoft Forums to post your questions or description of issues on the support forum.

5. In the Software Manual block, click View Software Manual to open the user guide containing detailed instructions with screenshots and explaining how to use Ad-Aware antivirus.

You also can access the Help Center screen by clicking ? icon from the floating panel.

If you are unable to resolve the issue using online resources, you can contact Lavasoft Customer Support team.

To send a message to an agent, proceed through the steps below:

1. With the Help Center screen, in the Contact Support block, complete the submission form:

  • enter your name;
  • enter your email address;
  • select a subject;
  • enter description of the problem you are experiencing.

We strongly recommend indicate your valid email address. It will guarantee that you will be contacted by Customer Support agent.

2. Click Send.

3. With the confirmation message box, click Close. You will be contacted by Lavasoft Customer Support within 12-24 hours during working days.

By default Ad-Aware log files from your computer are attached to your message. This data is required for technical assistants to evaluate an issue and provide you with a prompt and correct reply.

How to enable System Notifications (Gaming Mode)

If you do not want to receive any pop-up notifications about threats available, etc. while playing a game, activate the System Notifications (Gaming Mode).

To enable the System Notifications (Gaming Mode), proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management. The App Management screen opens.

2. In the System Notifications (Gaming Mode) block, click the slider to enable the feature.

Incompatible softwares

Ad-Aware is set to detect other antivirus programs during the installation. If an incompatible program is detected, the Compatible Install button is available only. Ad-Aware antivirus installation as a 2nd line of defense starts after clicking it. No drivers are installed. If any Ad-Aware drivers were installed earlier, they are removed.

If no incompatible program is detected, but you wish to install Ad-Aware as your second line of defense, you can do so by selecting the Install as a second line of defense only check box during the installation process.

If you would like Ad-Aware to be your primary line of defense, you will have to uninstall your current antivirus software before installing Ad-Aware.

Most conflicts are created when a user runs Ad-Aware and another antivirus with the same functionalities. At no point it is recommended to run two exact same features from different antivirus companies. This will create a conflict and make your system unstable.

Ad-Aware is incompatible with the following programs:


Avast! Antivirus Free 4.8.1169 • Avast! Antivirus Free 4.8.1356 • Avast! Antivirus Free 4.8.1367 • Avast! Antivirus Free 5.0.377 • Avast! Antivirus Free 5.0.594 • Avast! Antivirus Free 5.0.677 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1000 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1091 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1125 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1203 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1270 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1289 • Avast! Antivirus Free 6.0.1367 • Avast! Antivirus Free 7.0.1407 • Avast! Antivirus Free 7.0.1426 • Avast! Antivirus Pro 4.7.879 • Avast! Antivirus Pro 4.8.1367 • Avast! Antivirus Pro 5.0.462 • Avast! Internet Security 5.0.594.0


AVG Antivirus 8.0.100 • AVG Antivirus 8.5.336 • AVG Antivirus 9.0.787 • AVG Antivirus 9.0.864 • AVG Antivirus 9.0.914 • AVG Antivirus 9.0.927 • AVG Antivirus 9.0.930 • AVG Antivirus 10.0.1415 • AVG Antivirus • AVG Antivirus • AVG Antivirus • AVG Antivirus • AVG Antivirus 2012 2012.0.1901 • AVG Antivirus 2012 2012.0.1913 • AVG Antivirus 2012 2012.0.2127 • AVG Antivirus 2012 2012.2169.4956 • AVG Antivirus 2012 2012.2171 • AVG Antivirus 2012.0.2126 • AVG Antivirus 2012.0.2197 • AVG Antivirus Business Edition 2012.0.2114 • AVG Antivirus Business Edition 2012.0.2126 • AVG Internet Security 2011 10.0.1152 • AVG Internet Security 2011 10.0.1392 • AVG Internet Security 2011 10.0.1411 • AVG Internet Security 2011 10.0.1424 • AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0.1769 • AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0.1831 • AVG Internet Security 2012 • AVG Internet Security 2012 • AVG Internet Security 2012 • AVG Internet Security 2012 • AVG Internet Security 2012 • AVG Internet Security 8.5.336


Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Personal Edition • Avira Antivirus Professional • Avira Antivirus Personal • Avira Antivirus Personal • Avira Free Antivirus • Avira Free Antivirus • Avira Free Antivirus • Avira Free Antivirus • Avira Free Antivirus • Avira Antivirus Server


BitDefender Antivirus Plus 2012 • BitDefender Client Security 11.0.20 • BitDefender Client Security 11.0.22 • BitDefender Internet Security 2012 • BitDefender Management Agent 3.1.8 • BitDefender Management Agent 3.1.9 • BitDefender Management Agent 3.1.8 • BitDefender Management Agent 3.1.9 • BitDefender Total Security 2012


CA eTrust ITM 8.1.637.0 • CA eTrust ITM 8.1.655.0 • CA Internet Security Suite • CA Internet Security Suite • CA Internet Security Suite • CA Internet Security Suite • CA Total Defense 12.0.528 • CA Total Defense 12.0.723 • CA Total Defense 12.0.831 • CA Total Defense 12.0.833

Constant Guard

Constant Guard Protection Suite 1.12.829.1


ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition 3.0.669.0 • ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition 4.0.417.0 • ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition 4.0.474.0 • ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition • ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition • ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition

eEye Digital Security

eEye Digital Security Blink Professional F-Secure • F-Secure Anti-Virus 9.01.101 • F-Secure Internet Security 2010 10.00.24 • F-Secure Internet Security 2010 10.12.108 • F-Secure Internet Security 2011 10.51.106


FortiClient • FortiClient


Kaspersky Antivirus • Kaspersky Antivirus • Kaspersky Antivirus • Kaspersky Antivirus • Kaspersky Antivirus • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows • Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows • Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 • Kaspersky Lab Network Agent 8.0.2090 • Kaspersky Lab Network Agent 8.0.2134 • Kaspersky Lab Network Agent 9.0.2786 • Kaspersky Lab Network Agent 9.0.2825 • Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent 9.2.69


McAfee Agent • McAfee Agent • McAfee Agent • McAfee Agent • McAfee Antivirus Plus 10.0.575 • McAfee Antivirus Plus 10.0.570 • McAfee Antivirus Plus 10.5.218 • McAfee Antivirus Plus 11.0.678 • McAfee Internet Security • McAfee Internet Security 11.0.623 • McAfee Security as a Service • McAfee Security as a Service • McAfee Security as a Service • McAfee Site Advisor Enterprise Plus • McAfee Site Advisor Enterprise Plus • McAfee Site Advisor Enterprise Plus • McAfee Total Protection • McAfee Virtual Technician • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.0 • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5.0 • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.6.0 • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.0 • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7.00004 • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.8.0


Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 1.2.4013.0 • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.1.2111 • Microsoft Forefront Client Security 1.5.1937.0 • Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2.0.657.0 • Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0.1963.0 • Microsoft Security Essentials 2.1.1116.0 • Microsoft Security Essentials 4.0.1526.0


Norman Endpoint Protection 8.10.0300 • Norman Security Suite 7.10.1900 • Norman Security Suite 8.00.1400


Panda Antivirus Pro 2012 11.00.00 • Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 4.00.00 • Panda Cloud Antivirus 2.0.1 • Panda Endpoint Agent 5.50 • Panda Security for Desktops • Panda Security for File Servers




Sophos Anti-Virus 6.5.1 • Sophos Anti-Virus 7.6.9 • Sophos Anti-Virus 9.7.3 • Sophos Control Center • Sophos Endpoint Security And Control 9.0.5 • Sophos Endpoint Security And Control 9.7.6 • Sophos Endpoint Security And Control 9.5.5 • Sophos Endpoint Security And Control 10.0.6 • Sophos Endpoint Security And Control 10.0.7


Symantec Antivirus 10.1.394.0 • Symantec Antivirus • Symantec Antivirus • Symantec Antivirus 10.0.359.0 • Symantec Antivirus • Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition • Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition • Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10.2.2 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.5002.333 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.3001.2198 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.2010.7 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.4202.75 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6005.562 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6100.463 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6100.645 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6200.754 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6300.803 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.780.1008 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.7000.975 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.7101.1056 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.0.1001.95 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.671.4971 • Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.1000.157

Symantec Norton 360

Symantec Norton 360 • Symantec Norton 360 • Symantec Norton Antivirus • Symantec Norton Antivirus • Symantec Norton Antivirus • Symantec Norton Internet Security • Symantec Norton Internet Security • Symantec Norton Internet Security • Symantec Norton Internet Security • Symantec Norton Security Scan

Trend Micro

TrendMicro Antivirus 17.50 • Trend Micro Client Server Messaging Security for SMB 3.6 • Trend Micro Client/Server Security Agent 16.0.4123 • Trend Micro Endpoint Security 8.2.1093.0 • TrendMicro Internet Security 17.50 • TrendMicro OfficeScan Client 10.5.1083 • TrendMicro OfficeScan Client 10.5.1103 • TrendMicro OfficeScan Client 10.0.1068 • TrendMicro OfficeScan Client 8.30.0000 • TrendMicro OfficeScan Client 8.0 • TrendMicro Titanium Antivirus Plus 3.0 • TrendMicro Titanium Internet Security 3.0 • TrendMicro Titanium Internet Security 5.0 • TrendMicro Titanium Internet Security 5.2 • TrendMicro Titanium Maximum Security 3.0 • TrendMicro Titanium Maximum Security 3.0.1303 • TrendMicro Worry-Free Business Security 7.0.1598 • TrendMicro Worry-Free Business Security 7.0.1638 • TrendMicro Worry-Free Business Security 16.0.3240 • TrendMicro Worry-Free Business Security 16.0.3300 • TrendMicro Worry-Free Business Security 17.0.2316

How to enable and configure Network Protection

Our two-way firewall complements and enhances the protection offered by your typical router and provides more robust security by monitoring which applications are attempting to send data out (outgoing traffic).

To set and configure the Network Protection feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Network Protection. The Network Protection screen opens.

2. Click the slider next to Network Protection to enable Network Protection.

Alternatively, on the Home screen, click the slider next to Network Protection to enable the feature.

If Ad-Aware has detected any incompatible software, you need to install additional components to enable Network Protection. For the purpose, click the slider and then continue installing additional components.

3. Click Advanced Settings to configure settings for Network Protection.

How to update Ad-Aware

If a new version of the application is available on our server, you can see a prompt to update the program on the Home screen. The notification becomes available when you launch Ad-Aware.

When the program is hiden to the system tray or minimized to the taskbar, Ad-Aware opens on the Home screen informing you that the program update is available. Moreover, if Ad-Aware displays any screen, but not Home, the screen shows each time updates are available.

New updates are checked for availability every hour.

To get the latest version of the application, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. With the notification displayed, click the Update Now button to launch the Ad-Aware Web Installer. The Ad-Aware Web Installer downloads and runs the Ad-Aware Updater.

If you have Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ , the Update Now button opens Lavasoft update web page in your default web browser, where you can download the update file. Once it is downloaded, double-click the update file to launch an Ad-Aware Web Installer.

2. Once the update process is complete, click Close or a little cross in the upper right-hand corner of the following screen. The Ad-Aware antivirus updater closes and the Ad-Aware antivirus desktop application starts.

If you update Ad-Aware from v. 9.6/10.x to v. 11, you are prompted to uninstall the older version. Follow the on-screen instructions until the process is complete. Once uninstall completes, PC reboot is required. After Windows start up, Ad-Aware Web Installer launches. Afterwards, proceed through the steps of Ad-Aware install beginning with step 4.

If you remove the older version manually through the Control Panel, after PC reboot proceed through the steps of Ad-Aware install from the very beginning.

What is ThreatWork Alliance

If you want to send detection data to the Lavasoft Threatwork Alliance and become a security volunteer of this global community that battles cyber crime, activate ThreatWork Alliance.

To enable the ThreatWork Alliance feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management. The App Management screen opens.

2. In the ThreatWork Alliance block, select the check box to enable the feature.

If you select the ThreatWork Alliance check box during Ad-Aware installation, the feature will be already activated.

How to change application language

To use Ad-Aware in your preferred language, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management. The App Management screen opens.

2. In the Language block, select one of the supported languages from the drop-down combo box.

How to install

The installation process of Ad-Aware allows you to select the nature of installation that suits your needs the best:

  • Default Install: An intelligent installation mode that automatically determines what to install for optimal configuration adapted to your PC.
  • Compatible Install: Installation as a second line of defense if you already have another antivirus on the PC. Ad-Aware then enhances a protection by defaulting to Compatible Mode, adding a second layer of protection.

Moreover, you have an option to install Ad-Aware Web Companion and select an application language.

You can install the application in less than ten steps. Time to get started!

Step 1

To start the installation, locate and click the link to download a file.

Step 2

When prompted, save the installer file.

Step 3

Once the download is complete, go to the downloaded path and double-click the installation file to launch an Ad-Aware Web Installer.

The Ad-Aware Web Installer downloads and runs the Ad-Aware Updater.

The Ad-Aware Updater does not run if you have a version of Windows Installer earlier than 4.5. Mostly, Windows XP users can face the problem. Your system is updated automatically. Wait until the installation process is completed. Afterwards, the Ad-Aware Updater automatically runs.

Step 4

Follow the prompts within the installer to complete the installation of Ad-Aware.

1. Start by selecting the language you prefer to use for the installation process from the drop-down combo box at the right of the dialog displayed.

In addition, you can change the default application installation directory by clicking the Browse button.

Warning: You are not allowed to manually type the directory into the text box.

With the screen, you can also create a desktop icon and become a contributor of global community of security volunteers by selecting the corresponding check boxes.

2. We strongly recommend to read the End-User License Agreement carefully before downloading, installing and using Ad-Aware. To read the antivirus software document, click a corresponding link on the screen:

3. Then select an install type depending on your needs:

  • Select the Install as a second line of defense only check box to install the application as a second line of defense if you already have another antivirus on the PC or you prefer to use the Scan Computer option only.
  • Click Start Install to install the application with default settings. The default destination folder to install the application is C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware Antivirus\

Compatible Install

Once you select the Install as a second line of defense only, the following message box displays:

Click Yes to accept the prompt. The Start Install button is replaced with the Compatible Install button.

Once you click Compatible Install, the installation continues and no drivers are installed. If any Ad-Aware drivers were installed earlier, they are removed.

If an incompatible program is detected, the Compatible Install button is available only. Ad-Aware antivirus installation as a 2nd line of defense starts after clicking it. No drivers are installed. If any Ad-Aware drivers were installed earlier, they are removed.

Default Install

Once you click Start Install, you are proposed to install additional web protection software for your browser: Ad-Aware Web Companion.

If you have Ad-Aware Web Companion already installed on your PC, Ad-Aware Antivirus installation starts immediately by clicking Start Install.

The Start Install button is not available if Ad-Aware has detected any incompatible software. Then you have only an option to install Ad-Aware in the Compatible mode.

4. The additional software is available both for Compatible and Default install. On the screen that displays, select a preferred option(s): Secure online search and/or Protect, keep and set SecureSearch as homepage and new tabs. Then click Next to proceed.

If you do not want to install Ad-Aware Web Companion, click Skip, or unselect the Block dangerous websites check box, and then click Next.

5. You can see the Ad-Aware installation process in progress.

6. Afterwards, the Ad-Aware Service is initialized.

7. Definition Files then start downloading.

If you skip the step, definition files continue downloading in the background. To see the downloading process, launch the application after its installation.

8. Once Definition Files are downloaded, they are applied.

9. After applying Definition Files, your computer is scanned for viruses. A quick automatic scan starts.

If you skip the step, a quick scan is performed in the background. To see the scanning process, launch the application after its installation.

10. Congratulations! The Ad-Aware application has been successfully installed on your PC.

11. To complete the installation, you must restart your computer. With the screen displayed, click Reboot Now.

Your computer reboots and Ad-Aware is completely installed.

If you have installed Ad-Aware in the Compatible mode, reboot is not required.

How to enable and configure Parental Control

The Parental Control feature monitors and tracks your child's online activity blocking dangerous sites. It is a good web filtering for parents looking to protect their kids from inappropriate or adult websites at home by setting content restrictions.

To enable the Parental Control feature and to configure its settings, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Web Protection.

2. On the Web Protection screen, click the slider next to Parental Control.

3. To access the Parental Control Settings screen, click Advanced Settings.

4. In the URL Safelist Submission block, click Add URL to our Safelist to submit the URLs that you think to be safe. The Total Security URL Safelist submission form is opened in your web browser.

5. On the Parental Control Settings screen, use the drop-down combo box to select a predefined set to block specific content.

If you want to customize a predefined set, proceed through the steps listed below:

  1. In the drop-down combo box, select the set you want to customize.
  2. In the Parental Control Sets block, click Edit.
  3. With the Manage Parental Control Sets screen, modify the selected set and/or create your own exclusion list to allow a specific web site if a category it belongs to is blocked.

How to update definitions

Ad-Aware Antivirus uses continuously updated definitions to protect you from all sorts of malware. It is important to keep Ad-Aware Antivirus updated regularly.

To enable and configure the Update Definitions feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

  1. On the left menu, click Scan Computer.
  2. With the screen displayed, in the Definition Files block, click the Modify Settings link.
  3. With the Definition Files Settings screen, click the slider to turn on the automatic download of definitions and then specify the frequency period (from 1 hour to 24 hours) for new threat definition to be checked.
  4. To update threat definitions manually, click Check for updates.


Alternatively, to start update of definitions manually, on the Home screen, click the Update button.

How to configure Real-Time Protection Advanced Settings

You can set and configure advanced settings for the Real-Time Protection feature from the Real-Time Protection Settings screen.

To access the Real-Time Protection Settings screen, on the Real-Time Protection screen, click Advanced Settings.

Here you can manage the following settings:

  • Default Real-Time Protection Action. Use the drop-down combo box to select a default action (Disinfect, Quarantine).
  • Scan archive files. Click the slider to enable the scanning of conventional archive types for viruses and unwanted programs in real-time mode.
  • Scan emails. Click the slider to enable the monitoring and disinfection inside e-mail databases and to prevent the spread of viruses.
  • Deep Scan. Click the slider to enable thorough checking inside CHM and installer files.
  • Smart Scan. Click the slider to activate the storing of the scan result together with a file checksum. It enables skipping the files previously deemed as clean. These files are rescanned periodically to make sure they were not incorrectly detected as clean before the signature for the virus was added.
  • Scan boot sectors. Click the slider to enable the scanning of master boot record and all logical partitions on the physical disk.
  • Scan network files. Click the slider to turn on the real-time checking of files while they are being downloaded from or uploaded to the network.
  • Prevent large file scanning. This option prevents the scanning of the files that exceed a user-defined size.

  • To set a specific size, proceed through the steps listed below:

    1. On the left menu, click Real-Time Protection.

    2. On the Real-Time Protection screen, click the slider next to Real-Time Protection.

    3. In the Real-Time Protection block, click Advanced Settings.

    4. Click the slider next to Prevent large file scanning.

    5. With the message box displayed, type a size, and then click the OK button.

    To customize the Prevent large file scanning feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

    1. With the Real-Time Protection screen, in the Real-Time Protection block, click Advanced Settings.

    2. In the Prevent large file scanning block, click Choose file size.

    3. With the message box displayed, type a preferred size, and then click the OK button.

Where can I download the Latest version of Ad-Aware?

Ad-Aware Free users can download Ad-Aware at www.download.com

If you are a Pro or Total Security license holder:

Log-in to the support center and download the latest version of Ad-Aware (click) here, from the link in the 'My Downloads' section.

You can otherwise download the software installation file from the link sent to you via email shortly after your purchase had been processed.

How to access Notification Center

To access a Notification Center, on the left menu, click Notification Center.

Alternatively, on the Home screen, click the View All link in the Notifications block, or click the bell icon on the floating panel.

With the screen displayed, you can see a list of problems detected.

To learn details about the problem found, click Learn more underneath the problem summary. The screen with the detailed problem description and recommendations how to solve the problem opens.

Use the drop-down combo box to perform one of the following actions on the item: Fix It Now (recommended), Remind me later, or Ignore (not recommended).

Select Fix problem now (recommended) to fix the problem immediately. Afterwards, the problem is not available in the list.

Select Remind me later to clear the problem. You are reminded about it after 48 hours.

Select Ignore (not recommended) to move the item to the Ignored List.

On the Notification Center screen, click Options next to the problem to select one of the following actions on the context menu: Fix problem now (recommended), Remind me later, or Ignore (not recommended).

You can select and apply an action on the Home screen as well.

System requirements

You may install the Ad-Aware antivirus only on computers running the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (32-bit)
  • Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (32- & 64-bit)
  • Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (32- & 64-bit)
  • Windows 8, 8.1 (32- & 64-bit)

4.5 or higher version of Microsoft Windows Installer is required for installation of Ad-Aware antivirus.

Your computer must meet the following system requirements in order to run the application effectively.

Minimum system requirements:

  • 1.8 GB available free hard disk space (at least 800 MB on the system drive)
  • 1.6 MHz processor
  • 1 GB of memory (RAM)

Recommended system requirements:

  • 2.8 GB available free hard disk space (at least 800 MB on the system drive)
  • Intel CORE Duo (2 GHz) or equivalent processor
  • Memory (RAM): 1 GB for Windows XP and 1.5 GB for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8

How to enable Real-Time Protection and Active Virus Control

The Real-Time Protection feature provides an automatic protection which checks computer systems for suspicious activity in real-time. It detects malicious objects, once they are accessed or started.

The Active Virus Control feature is an innovative technology that monitors all actions of applications on the process level as long as they are running on your PC.

These features are on in the background without causing noticeable strain to your computer system.

If Real-Time Protection and Active Virus Control are turned on, ensure that you do not run another software having real-time protection and process monitoring components. The two programs running together may adversely affect your system performance.

If Ad-Aware has detected any incompatible software, you need to install additional components to enable Real-Time Protection and Active Virus Control. For the purpose, click the slider next to the corresponding feature and then continue installing additional components.

To configure the Active Virus Control feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Real-Time Protection. The Real-Time Protection screen opens.

2. Click the slider next to Active Virus Control to enable Active Virus Control.

To set and configure the Real-Time Protection feature, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Real-Time Protection. The Real-Time Protection screen opens.

2. Click the slider next to Real-Time Protection to enable Real-Time Protection.

3. Click Advanced Settings to access additional settings for Real-Time Protection.

Alternatively, on the Home screen, click the slider next to Real-Time Protection. Or on the system tray context menu, click Real-Time Protection to enable/disable the feature.

How to create Exclusion List

Create your Exclusion List of files if you want them to be excluded from the scan process and the Real-Time Protection.

To access the Manage Exclusions screen, proceed through the steps listed below:

  1. On the left menu, click Scan Computer.
  2. With the screen displayed, click the Manage Exclusions link available in the Manage Exclusions block.

The Manage Exclusions screen opens:

With the Manage Exclusions screen, you can perform the following actions:

  • add an item (path/extension) to the list;
  • remove an item from the list.

To add a path to be excluded, click the Add button. With the Open dialog box displayed, select the path you want to add to the exclusion list, and then click Open.

To add an extension to be excluded, click the Add button. With the dialog box displayed, type an exclusion in the following format: exe, and then click Add.

To remove an item, both a path and an extension, specify it in the list by selecting a corresponding check box and then click Delete.

How to access the detection history

Any threat detected by the Real-Time Protection or Active Virus Control feature is recorded as detection history.

To access the detection history, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Real-Time Protection.

2. With the screen displayed, click the View Details link available in the Detection History block.

To view detailed information on a detected threat, select the report in the list. The data appears in the Details field.

To delete a report from the list, select a check box next to it and click Delete Selected.

To delete all reports, click Delete All.

What is Ad-Aware.exe?

This is the front-end for the Ad-Aware system. Ad-Aware.exe manages all the interface features that you see when working with Ad-Aware; It provides the user interaction with the Service.

In the background it is communicating with AAWService.exe, asking it to perform tasks like Scan the system, change settings, etc.

In return, AAWService keeps the GUI up to date with the latest Real-time Protection status, license information, scan progress, statistics and so forth.

How to activate Ad-Aware

To activate Ad-Aware Antivirus, proceed through the steps below:

1. On the left menu, click App Management.

2. With the App Management screen displayed, scroll down until reaching the Activation block.

3. Click Add a key.

4. With the message box displayed, type your activation key and then click the Submit button.

We recommend copying and pasting the key from your email into the field to avoid any mismatch.

You are notified once the activation key is accepted. To continue, click Close this window.

If you launch the application for the first time after installation, and you have not activated your copy of Ad-Aware yet, the following message box appears:

The message box is also accessed by clicking Activate Ad-Aware on the left menu if your copy of Ad-Aware has not been activated yet or the activation period has been expired.

Click the Enter Your Activation Key button. With the message box displayed, type your activation key and then click the Submit button.

We recommend copying and pasting the key from your email into the field to avoid any mismatch.

You are notified once the activation key is accepted. To continue, click Close this window.

How to uninstall

To uninstall Ad-Aware, first make sure the application is closed.

1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen).

2. Click Control Panel in the Start Menu.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs / Click Programs, and then click Programs and Features. Select Ad-Aware Antivirus from the list and then click Uninstall.

Alternatively, click Change and, with the dialog box displayed, select Remove Ad-Aware.

The programs installed are typically listed in an alphabetical order.

4. With the dialog box displayed, click Remove to proceed.

5. On the screen that displays, two options are available and selected by default: Turn on Windows Defender, Turn on Windows Firewall.

If you do not want to turn on Windows Defender and/or Windows Firewall, click Skip, or unselect the corresponding check box(es), and then click Next.

If Windows Defender or Windows Firewall is not available on your computer, the corresponding check box is disabled.

If you installed Ad-Aware in the Compatible mode or Windows Defender and Windows Firewall are turned on already, the screen with Turn on Windows Defender and Turn on Windows Firewall options is not displayed.

6. With the message box displayed, confirm your decision to uninstall the program by clicking Yes.

7. You can see the uninstalling process in progress.

8. To complete the uninstalling process, click Reboot Now.

If you have installed Ad-Aware in the Compatible mode, reboot is not required.

How to upgrade Ad-Aware

At Lavasoft, we believe that every computer user must have the power to control their individual privacy and security when they use the Internet. That is why we offer Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+, a proactive malware removal tool that allows users to combat today’s toughest cyber threats. Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ features real-time anti-malware protection, rootkit protection, and community-driven initiatives to ensure that you have the power to protect yourself online.

Ad-Aware Personal Security is a paid upgrade of our Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ version and builds upon the malware protection offered in our free product. Ad-Aware Personal Security adds a powerful web-filter that protects users against phishing attacks and Active Virus Control that monitors the processes behavior.

Ad-Aware Pro Security is a paid upgrade of our Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ version and provides a line-of-defense against the most extreme forms of malware and cyber threats. It adds a powerful two-way firewall, an email protection engine, advanced web protection as well as our most advanced detection and threat blocking algorithms.

Ad-Aware Total Security is a paid upgrade of our Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ version which above all adds a parental control feature to filter out all bad content.

To take advantage of using the full functionality of the product, we suggest that you upgrade the program. All you have to do is buy an upgrade key from Lavasoft:

  1. On the left menu, click Home.
  2. With the Home screen displayed, click Install next to any unavailable feature.
  3. With the message box displayed, click Install under the version you want to upgrade to. A web page will be opened in your web browser where you can purchase an upgrade license.

Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ Upgrade to Ad-Aware Personal Security Upgrade to Ad-Aware Pro Security Upgrade to Ad-Aware Total Security
Scan Computer + + + +
Application Management + + + +
Real-Time Protection + + + +
Gaming Mode + + + +
Ignored Notifications + + + +
Active Virus Control + + +
Web Protection + + +
Email Protection + +
Network Protection + +
Parental Control +

How to schedule scans

You can schedule the scan process to run it periodically. It is very useful to keep your computer free from malware on a regular basis.

To enable the Automated Scan option and configure the schedule options, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the left menu, click Scan Computer.

2. With the screen displayed, scroll down until reaching the Automated Scan block, and then click the slider to turn on the automated scan and then click the Edit Schedule link to start configuring the schedule options.

3. With the screen displayed, specify the scheduling parameters listed below:

  • Frequency period to scan computer (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly). For the Weekly and Monthly parameters, select additionally day(s).
  • Scan type(Quick or Full).
  • Scan time.

You can disable the Automated Scan option by clicking the slider next to Automated Scan on the Scan Computer screen.

How to renew license

You can renew license for your copy of Ad-Aware, when it is about to expire.

The notification about expiration appears on the Home screen.

Alternatively, you can access it from the Notification Center screen.

Select Renew Now from the drop-down combo box to start the process of renewal. Lavasoft web page will be opened in the web browser where you can renew your license.

Select Remind me later to be reminded about expiration after 48 hours.

Ad-Aware Free now includes anti-virus protection

Ad-Aware Free Internet Security now includes anti-virus: complete malware protection that now combines Lavasoft's pioneer technology for anti-spyware with traditional anti-virus protection.

With the addition of anti-virus, Ad-Aware Free is not be just a complimentary security tool - it can be used as a complete malware solution to protect your system from spyware and viruses (as well as rootkits, blended malware, and other online security threats.)

You have the option to "turn off" the anti-virus detection if necessary

There is always a chance of compatibility issues when running concurrent security software. It is not recommended that you run more than one anti-virus product on a computer at the same time.

How to register Ad-Aware

You can register your copy of the Ad-Aware application. The purpose of the registration is to give you a possibility to access and use Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ for one-year period. In addition, registering your copy ensures that you receive product support, product update information, and other benefits. Completing the registration requires only a few minutes. Personal information (a full name and an email address) is required if you decide to register.

When you launch the application you have not activated yet for the first time after its installation, the following dialog appears.

In addition, you can open the dialog box for further registration by clicking Activate Ad-Aware on the left menu if your copy of Ad-Aware has not been activated yet or the activation period has been expired.

To perform the registration, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. Click Free Registration Now. The Get your activation key dialog box appears.

2. With the dialog displayed, type your name and email address in the corresponding fields. Then select the I have read and agree to Lavasoft Privacy Policy check box and click the Submit button to proceed.

If you want to receive our newsletter on relevant information about security threats as well as promotional offers from Lavasoft, select the Yes, sign-me to the Lavasoft newsletter check box.

3. Once you are done with submitting a registration form, an email with your activation key is sent to this address.

In addition, you have an option to change you email address or resend activation to the email address you have indicated when submitting, just click a link of your choice in the dialog displayed.

Afterwards, copy the activation key you have received by email in the form and then click the Activate button to start using Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ for one-year period.

If you want to postpone activation, click Do it Later.

Installing issues

If you have an older version (9.6 or 10.X) of Ad-Aware installed on your PC and try to install Ad-Aware 11 over the previous version, you are prompted to uninstall any previous versions of Ad-Aware and reboot your PC.

Click Continue to start uninstalling a previous version of Ad-Aware.

Once uninstallation has been completed, click Reboot Now to finish uninstalling a previous version of Ad-Aware.

Warning: If you ignore the reboot, the following message appears next time you try to install Ad-Aware 11.

Once your PC is rebooted, installation of Ad-Aware 11 starts.

If your PC is running Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1, and User Account Control (UAC) is turned on, accept the prompt and follow instructions on How to install Ad-Aware 11.

Tray Application

Double-click the Ad-Aware Tray Application in the system tray to access the Ad-Aware’s main user interface.

Right-click the Ad-Aware Tray Application to open a context menu which includes the options shown below.

Open Ad-Aware

Opens the Ad-Aware program.

Disable/Enable Ad-Aware features

Disables/Enables Ad-Aware features. Click the required feature to disable/enable it. A feature set available in the list depends on your current version of Ad-Aware.

Quick Scan

Runs a Quick scan.

The Quick Scan command is replaced by one of the following statuses depending on a process being currently performed:

  • Scanning...: when a scan of any type is being performed.
  • Scan Paused: when a scan of any type is paused.
  • Cleaning...: when a selected action is applied to threat(s) found.
  • Clean Paused: when a cleaning procedure is paused.
  • See Scan Results: when a scan of any type is finished and threats are found.

Clicking a status on the tray context menu opens a Scan Computer screen.

Stop Ad-Aware

Stops the Ad-Aware service.

The Stop Ad-Aware command is replaced by the Start Ad-Aware command. Clicking it starts the Ad-Aware service.

How to access Scan Report List

Ad-Aware Antivirus creates a scan report after each manual or automated scan you perform.

To access the Scan Report List screen, proceed through the steps listed below:

  1. On the left menu, click Scan Computer.
  2. With the scan screen displayed, click the View Report List link available in the Report List block.

You can delete a report from the list. Select a check box next to this report, and then click the Delete button.

To view detailed information on a scan report, click Details in the report line. The Scanned Report Details screen displays.

Details are presented in the Report Details table. Here you can see three slide boxes: Overview, Scan Result, and Objects Detected. Each slide box contains specific report details. To expand a slide box, click in the slide box caption.

In addition, you are allowed to download a report as an XML file. For the purpose, click Download Report.

How to display homepage or blank page in new tabs instead of Lavasoft SecureSearch

To display homepage or blank page in new tabs instead of Lavasoft SecureSearch, proceed through the steps listed below:

On Internet Explorer:

1. With the Internet Explorer window, click Tools, and then click Internet options.

2. Under the General tab, in the Tabs section, click Settings.

3. With the Tabbed Browsing Settings dialog box, in the When a new tab is opened section, select Your first home page or A blank page correspondingly.

4. Click OK, and then click OK again.

On Firefox:

1. In the main address bar of your Firefox browser, type about:config in the address bar and press enter. If you have never done this before, you can see a warning about the dangers of messing with advanced settings in Firefox. Accept the prompt that appears and you are taken to a page that contains a long list of entries.

2. With the search bar at the top of the screen, search for browser.newtab.url and double click it. You are presented with a dialog that asks you to Enter String Value.

3. Replace the string with about:home or about:blank, if you want to display homepage or blank page in new tabs correspondingly.

If you want to have a particular web page as new tab in your Firefox browser, replace the string with its URL.

Why is File Protection turned off?

Ad-Aware will disable File-Protection if you already have software installed that is doing a similar job, this is in order to avoid conflicts.

Turning on File protection after Ad-Aware has disabled it may result in a problem which Ad-Aware has tried to avoid by initially disabling the File-Protection module.

Compatibility issues

Ad-Aware just like any antivirus companies for the most part have the exact same functionalities. If you wish to download Ad-Aware 11 and also have another antivirus software installed on your PC before, we strongly recommend to disable the other antivirus as it can cause a conflict.

If you already have another antivirus installed, you are proposed to install Ad-Aware 11 as a second line of defense. No drivers are installed. If any Ad-Aware drivers were installed earlier, they are removed. It allows you to use the Scan Computer option only.

If you have installed Ad-Aware as a 2nd line of defense and the application has detected any incompatible software, you need to install additional components to enable more features available for the Ad-Aware version you have on your PC. For the purpose, click the slider next to the feature and then continue installing additional components.

Please remember, if one or more incompatible programs are installed on your PC, running these programs alongside with Ad-Aware may generate conflicts. We recommend to uninstall these programs to avoid compatibility issues.

How to uninstall Ad-Aware toolbar

To uninstall Ad-Aware toolbar, proceed through the steps listed below.

1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen).

2. Click Control Panel in the Start Menu.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs / Click Programs, and then click Programs and Features. Select Ad-Aware Security Toolbar from the list and then click Uninstall.

The programs installed are typically listed in an alphabetical order.

4. With the dialog box displayed, select a language for the uninstall procedure, and then click Ok to proceed.

5. With the Uninstall Wizard displayed, click Next to continue.

6. You can see the uninstalling process in progress.

7. To complete uninstalling Ad-Aware Security Toolbar, select the Uninstall Ad-Aware Browsing Protection check box, and then click Finish.

If you have not uninstalled Ad-Aware Browsing Protection together with Ad-Aware Security Toolbar, you can uninstall it separately. For the purpose, repeat steps 1-3 (select Ad-Aware Browsing Protection from the list), click Uninstall and then Finish to complete the uninstalling procedure.

Ad-Aware Features

Ad-Aware is an easy-to-use and effective anti-malware and antivirus Lavasoft product comprising high-class technologies which give you an unequalled protection against various kinds of viruses and malware.

Learn about the Ad-Aware key features:

Scan Computer (Free, Personal, Pro, Total)

Completely and correctly scans your computer for malicious software like blended malware, trojans, worms, backdoors, rootkits, hijackers, and invasive software like password stealers, monitoring tools, keyloggers and other applications that transmit private or personally identifiable information.

Real-Time Protection (Free, Personal, Pro, Total)

Constantly watches the vulnerable areas of the computer and reacts to suspicious activity in real time. Monitors the change, deletion or modification of the files and also the execution and loading of programs and DLLs.

Gaming Mode (Free, Personal, Pro, Total)

Suspends the security alerts, system scans and auto-updates without compromising the security, allowing you to work or play with no interruptions or strain on system resources.

Active Virus Control (Personal, Pro, Total)

Monitors the processes running on your PC, identifies any malware activities and potential threats using heuristics evaluation technology.

Web Protection (Personal, Pro, Total)

Internet filter and parental control software for your PC. It offers a security against a wide range of web-based threats, including the entry of malware, phishing, pharming and intrusions.

Email Protection (Pro, Total)

Protects against e-mail-borne threats by scanning both the content and the attachment of all incoming and outgoing emails against potentially malicious content.

Network Protection (Pro, Total)

Effectively filters network traffic, prevents malicious behavior, protects running processes and filters web content.

Parental Control (Total)

Helps you filter inappropriate content by restricting access to the Internet. Allows blocking your child from accessing adult-oriented websites.

How to access Quarantined Items

The Quarantine contains potentially harmful items detected by the Ad-Aware Antivirus application which you can further remove from your computer. It is a safe place for storing threats, malware and/or infected files that could not be disinfected. You have an option to restore a quarantined item back to your computer in its original location as well as permanently delete a quarantined item from your computer.

To access the quarantined items, proceed through the steps listed below:

  1. On the left menu, click Scan Computer.
  2. With the screen displayed, click the View Quarantined Files link available in the Quarantined Files block.


To restore a risk from the quarantine list, select a check box next to the threat and click the Restore button.

To delete a quarantined item from your computer, select a check box next to the threat you wish to delete and click Delete Selected. The item is permanently removed from your computer.

To view a full path the threat is located at, point the threat path.

To delete all quarantined items from your computer, click Delete All.

To view a full path the threat is located at, point the threat path.

Notification Center

To access a Notification Center, on the left menu, click Notification Center.

Alternatively, on the Home screen, click the View All link in the Notifications block, or click the bell icon on the floating panel.

With the screen displayed, you can see a list of problems detected.

To learn details about the problem found, click Learn more underneath the problem summary. The screen with the detailed problem description and recommendations how to solve the problem opens.

Use the drop-down combo box to perform one of the following actions on the item: Fix It Now (recommended), Remind me later, or Ignore (not recommended).

Select Fix problem now (recommended) to fix the problem immediately. Afterwards, the problem is not available in the list.

Select Remind me later to clear the problem. You are reminded about it after 48 hours.

Select Ignore (not recommended) to move the item to the Ignored List.

On the Notification Center screen, click Options next to the problem to select one of the following actions on the context menu: Fix problem now (recommended), Remind me later, or Ignore (not recommended).

You can select and apply an action on the Home screen as well.

I want to move my Ad-Aware license to a different computer

You can 'reset' your Ad-Aware serial number for a new computer or a new installation as follows:

  • Log-in to your Support Center account here (top left menu)
  • Go to My Licenses section
  • Expand your license and click the 'reset serial' button
  • Please allow our server some moments to reset the serial in the background
  • Once the serial is 'reset' you will be able to reactivate Ad-Aware on the new PC

How to disable Ad-Aware Security Add-on

To disable Ad-Aware Security Add-on, proceed through the steps listed below:

For Internet Explorer:

  1. With the Internet Explorer window, click Tools, and then click Manage Add-ons.
  2. Under Show, click All add-ons.
  3. Select the add-on you want to disable, and then click Disable.
  4. Once you are done, click Close.


  1. With Internet Explorer, click a little cross on the Ad-Aware Security toolbar.
  2. With the dialog displayed, click Disable.

For Firefox:

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button, and then click Add-ons. The Add-ons Manager tab opens.
  2. In the Add-ons Manager tab, select the Extensions or Appearance panel and then select the add-on you wish to disable.
  3. Click its Disable button.
  4. Click Restart now if it pops up. Your tabs are saved and restored after the restart.

About predefined sets

For your convenience, we have created predefined sets to block specific web content. To learn more about these sets, see the table below:

Adults (21 and over) Young Adults (under 21) Teen (under 18) Children Permissive (under 12) Children Restrictive (under 12)
Adult/Sexual + + +
Sexual/Porn (hardcore porn)

+ + +
+ + +
Intimate Apparel/Swimsuits + + +
Sex Education (including Abortion) + + +
Personals/Dating/Romance + + +
Art & Entertainment
Arts (comic books)
Comedy/Humor and Jokes

Entertainment - Books, Theatre

Streaming Media

Business (the website is for a business)
Investing/Stocks/Financial Services

Job Search/Careers

Advertisements and pop-ups

+ +
Anonymous Proxies

+ + +
Computing, General

Internet/Net Services

Image (photo) & Video Search

Search Engines

Second Source Search Engine
Cult and Occult + + +
Home & Garden
Food and eating

+ + +
Government/Politics & Political Activist Groups

+ +
Kids & Teens

Real Estate



Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco + + + + +
Illegal Drug use and promotion + + + + +
Alcohol use and promotion + + + + +
Tobacco use and promotion + + + + +



Libraries + Museums

Reference/Homework & Studying



+ + +
Game Media/Game Playing

Fraud/Illegal Activities/Cheating + + + + +
Botnets/Phishing/Malware/Key loggers and Monitoring + + + + +
Malicious/Dangerous websites + + + + +
Fraud/Illegal Activities + + + + +
Hacking + + + + +
Hate Speech/Discrimination + + + + +
Suicide Promotion + + + + +
Vulgar or Obscene language + + + + +
Health & Medical + +
Health & Medical + +
News + +
News + +
Motor Vehicles
+ +
+ +
+ +
Social Networking & Personal Web Content
Blogs/Forums/Chat/Web based message board & Newsgroups + +
Personal Web Content/Hosting Sites
Web based e-mail + +
Web based Instant Messaging (IM and IRC) & Web Cams + + +


Violence + + + + +
Violence + + + + +
Weapons Promotion or Sale + + + + +
Misc + + + +
Domain For Sale + + + +
Under Construction/Parked Domains + + + + +
Link Lists/Link Farms + + + + +


To get full information about the Ad-Aware program:

  • On the floating panel, click the Info icon.

With the dialog displayed, learn more about the program.

To close the dialog, click a little cross in the upper right-hand corner of the dialog or just click in the content pane.

How to run a scan

You can run:

  • quick scan
  • full scan
  • custom scan
  • context menu scan

To perform a scan of any type, on the left menu, click Scan Computer. With the screen displayed, click an option of your choice:

  • Quick Scan to launch a quick scan.
  • Full Scan to launch a full scan.

Alternatively, to run a quick scan, on the Home screen, click the Scan button.

To perform a Custom Scan, proceed through the steps listed below:

  1. On the left menu, click Scan Computer.
  2. With the screen displayed, click the Custom Scan.
  3. On the Custom Scan Settings screen, specify scan option(s), as needed, by selecting corresponding check box(es).
  4. To select a drive/a folder/a file to scan, click the Add button and specify a drive/a folder/a file to be scanned.
  5. To remove an item from the Paths section, select the check box and click the Remove button.
  6. Once you are done, click Start Scan to launch a custom scan.

You can start the Context Menu scan. For the purpose, right-click one or more files or folders from Windows Explorer, and then click Scan with Ad-Aware to run a scan.

Once you start scanning, the balloon appears notifying you that the Context Menu scan has been started. Click the View details link to open the application on the Scan Computer screen.

Your selected scan begins to run. A scan progress screen displays. You can view the progress of the scan. Pause the scan by clicking the Pause button. To resume the scan after a pause, click the Resume button. If you want to cancel scanning, click the Stop button.

After the scan is performed or cancelled, and no threats are found, Ad-Aware Antivirus opens the Scan Complete screen.

If you have performed a Quick Scan, the Scan Complete screen always displays even if any threats were found. If any threat is found during the Quick Scan, it is automatically deleted.

If risks are found, the Scan Summary screen displays the detected risks for which you can select the following clean actions:

  • Quarantine. Sends risks to the Quarantine folder and prevents possible infection of files on your computer.
  • Ignore. No action will be applied to the detected risks.
  • Delete. Removes risks permanently from the system.
  • Disinfect. Attempts to remove infection from detected files.

If Disinfect action is applied to infected files, but program cannot remove the malicious code from them, such files are automatically deleted.

At a point in time when a threat is detected, a balloon appears with a corresponding notification.

To apply an action to a threat, select the required clean action from the drop-down combo box next to this threat.

To apply an action to all threats, select an option of your choice from the drop-down combo box next to the Clean button.

The action applied to each threat by default is Recommended that implies Quarantine.

Click the Clean button to start cleaning the risks based on the set action. You can view the progress of the cleaning process. Pause cleaning files by clicking the Pause button. To resume cleaning after a pause, click the Resume button. If you want to cancel cleaning, click the Stop button.

If no action is applied to risks found, Scan Summary displays each time you navigate to the Scan Computer screen or try perform a new scan.

Once the risks are cleaned, the Scan Complete screen displays the summary and details of the scan. Your computer is now clean of viruses and malware.

With the Scan Complete screen, you can view report by clicking the corresponding command button.

If the risks are quarantined, disinfected or deleted, message appears for users of Free Antivirus. It shows the exact number of blocked threats and gives an opportunity to visit Lavasoft official page on Facebook, to write a review on CNET or to buy Ad-Aware Pro version for discounted price. After following one of the links, the message box does not appear next time.


To uninstall Ad-Aware Web Companion, proceed through the steps listed below.

1. Click the Start button on your computer (left-hand side of the screen).

2. Click Control Panel in the Start Menu.

3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs / Click Programs, and then click Programs and Features. Select Web Companion from the list and then click Uninstall.

The programs installed are typically listed in an alphabetical order.

4. With the dialog box displayed, specify the application uninstallation settings: choose a language, select or deselect the Restore my browser homepage settings, Restore my browser search engine settings check box(es). Once you are done, click Remove to proceed.

5. With the message box displayed, confirm your decision to uninstall the program by clicking Yes.

6. You can see the uninstalling process in progress.

7. To complete uninstalling Ad-Aware Web Companion, click Close.

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How to remove homepage as Lavasoft SecureSearch

To remove your homepage as Lavasoft SecureSearch, proceed through the steps listed below:

On Internet Explorer:

  1. With the Internet Explorer window, click Tools, and then click Internet options.
  2. Under the General tab, change the current web address of your homepage, and then click Apply.

You need to restart Internet Explorer to see your new homepage. You can change your homepage at any time.

On Firefox:

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button, and then click Options.
  2. Under the General panel, change the current web address of your homepage, and then click Use Current Page.
  3. Click OK to close the Options window.

On Chrome:

  1. On the browser toolbar, click the Chrome menu, and then click Settings.
  2. Select Open a specific page or set of pages option, and then click the Set pages link.
  3. Within a new window displayed, change the current web address(es) to set them as Chrome homepage.
  4. Click OK and get ready enjoying your desired homepage in Google Chrome.

How to customize Parental Control

Ad-Aware allows you to modify predefined sets and to create your own sets for blocking access to the sites of certain categories. With that, you can create an exclusion list to allow a specific web site to be accessed if a category it belongs to is blocked.

To create a new set, proceed through the steps listed below:

1. On the Web Protection screen, click the slider next to Parental Control.

2. In the Parental Control block, click Advanced Settings.

3. On the Parental Control Settings screen, click Create New.

4. With the message box displayed, type a name of new set, and then click the Save button.

5. With the Manage Parental Control Sets screen, in the Manage Set categories block, select check boxes to specify subcategories.

6. If you want to change the name, in the Set Name block, click the Change button.

7. With the message box displayed, type a new name, and then click the Save button.

Warning: You are not allowed to change the names of predefined sets.

8. In the Exclusion List block, click Manage exclusion list. The Exclusion List screen opens.

9. Click the Add URL button to add the URL of the website from blocked category that you want allow access.

10. With the dialog box displayed, type the URL and then click Add.

To remove the URL from the list, select the check box it corresponds to, and then click Remove.

You can remove the user-defined set by following these steps:

1. On the Web Protection screen, click the slider next to Parental Control.

2. In the Parental Control block, click Advanced Settings.

3. In the drop-down combo box, select the set you want to remove, and then click Delete.

You are not allowed to delete predefined sets.

About Ad-Aware

To get full information about the Ad-Aware program:

  • On the floating panel, click the Info icon.

With the dialog displayed, learn about your copy of Ad-Aware, its product and program versions. In addition, you can get more information by visiting Ad-Aware official web site or social profile.

To close the dialog, click a little cross in the upper right-hand corner of the dialog or just click in the content pane.


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